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Jessie: Silly~ We're not going to do any of those things. I'm going to suffocate you and while I'm doing that Jackson's going to cut your body parts off Jackson: Don't worry it's so sharp you'll barely feel it
Snake: Shit where's Jnxx!? Snake runs to the bar table and finds Miss Cobalt cleaning the glass cup
Snake: Miss Cobalt! Cobalt: Hmm? Oh hello si- Snake: Have you seen Jnxx Cobalt: Umm.. no I haven't..... sorry Snake: *whispers to himself* Shit..... Have you seen a those two killers ya know the one with orange hair and the other with black hair!? Cobalt: Umm... I think I saw them go outside Snake: Outside?..... *Realizes what Jnxx told Jessie and Jackson* Oh Shit*runs outside* Cobalt: Bye^^