Chapter 1

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Walking down the stairs Chloe's hear began to pound, because everytime someone was there to see her they wanted to adopt her. She never got her hope up though because it never worked out. Mama Amy smiled at her and with a gentle hand pushed her into the living room.

Chloe startled stopped short and gasped. Three people where standing in the room. Two with light blonde hair and one with dark brown hair. Tears began to fall down her cheeks. This was amazing! This is what she always wanted!

"Hi baba, I'm Debbie and this is Perrie and Jonnie" The older blonde woman said in a gentle voice

"I...I know who you are. I watched Little Mix every week on X-Factor." Chloe replied in a whisper.

"Well Perrie remembered a girl who wrote everyweek and wanted to meet her. We checked and we found out she was in a girls home waiting to be adopted. We all talked about it and we wanted you to be part of our family babe" Debbie said with tears in her eyes.

Chloe let out a sob and ran into Debbie's arms. She felt a two other pair of arms come around her body. The sweet smell of perfume and the musky smell of cologne filled her nose. For the first time in a while she felt safe. Letting go she stepped back and smiled at her new family. 

"So Chloe since you are now my baby sister we must go shopping soon!" Perrie said jumping up and down

"Alright" Chloe said still in a daze

"Pezz let the poor girl get used to this" Jonnie laughed in his deep voice

"Children be nice, So Mrs.Amy what papers do we still have to sign?" Debbie asked wrapping her arm around Chloe's waist.

"Its all taken care of Mrs.Edwards, Chloe just has to pack and can go home" Mama Amy said with tears in her eyes. Chloe had always been her favorite.

"Alright baba you go upstairs and pack, then we'll go meet the rest of the girls from Little Mix for dinner. If thats alright?" Perrie asked 

"Yeah, sure thats awesome!" Chloe squealed! She never wanted to wake up this dream was getting better and better.

She ran out of the room and up the stairs, she wanted to pack and get going as quick as possible.

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