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It was more on the cooler side this morning, just around 4 am and everything felt so perfect right now. The sun was going to be rising soon but Taehyung didn't have a care in the world, he had his blinds down so the sun wouldn't bother him. The poor boy just made it home from work, he really overworked himself this past week. The only good thing about it was that he was making loads of money now compared to his last salary. The money was the only reason Taehyung continued to push his limit at work, he didn't do it for his own personal pleasure anymore.

Right now, all Taehyung could care about was catching up on some of his sleep that he dearly missed. Namjoon, who Taehyung had worked with a few times this week suggested that Taehyung should take some time off of work to enjoy his life but Taehyung disregarded the whole idea. Namjoon had noticed how tired he seemed at work, you could literally see the dark eye bags forming as the week went on. It really worried Namjoon, considering he was also a health junkie it didn't help, he started suggesting a bunch of ways to live a healthy lifestyle which only aggravated Taehyung.

None of that mattered right now though Taehyung had just finished making his bed, he had fresh sheets right out from the dryer making them all warm and cozy. He had wrapped himself up and was all neatly tucked into his bed. It's been a while since he had a nicely made bed but he couldn't help it, once he got home from work he was too tired to do anything. This was absolutely blissful to him, there was complete silence in the room beside the buzzing of the white noise. The peacefulness didn't last for long, it was interrupted by Taehyung's phone going off.

A loud grumble came from Taehyung's mouth as he turned on his side to reach for his phone off of the nightstand that stood next to his bed. It was Jungkook, Taehyung rubbed his eyes a bit but it only made them sting more. With a very loud dramatic sigh, Taehyung stopped the volume from blaring and set his phone back down.

Of course, he would have answered but Taehyung was about to fall asleep and wasn't in the mood for anything. All he wanted was to snuggle up and talk to Jungkook all day but that wasn't a reality for him. Money needed to be made and it wouldn't happen if he did that all day. Taehyung told himself that he would call his boyfriend back later when he woke up in a few hours, he needed some time to himself.

Although he missed Jungkook's call he still pulled the nearest pillow on his bed close to his chest pretending that it was his significant other. Taehyung really loved Jungkook with all his heart but there was no way that he was going to say it to him so soon, he really wanted it to be special. Taehyung didn't know if it was just him being really optimistic or what but in his heart he knew that Jungkook was his one and only and he really wanted to spend the rest of his life with that kid.


Jungkook ended up calling Taehyung a few more times but just like the first time no one answered. He gave up figuring his boyfriend went to bed, usually Taehyung lets Jungkook know when he makes it home because Jungkook tends to worry about everything. He couldn't help it though, anything could happen at any given moment and it really freaked Jungkook out.

"Ahh," Jungkook whined to himself as he pulled the covers over his head, he had set an alarm for when Taehyung was to arrive home. Taehyung agreed to answer the call when he got home so Jungkook knew he was safe. "What do I do?" Jungkook asked himself.

Jungkook sat up in his bed and pulled his blanket so that it covered the top of his head and wrapped tightly around his body. He decided to stop bothering Taehyung and just look back on some selfies that they took together. It honestly made it worse though, every bad thought that could possibly happen went through his mind. "Okay, enough," Jungkook told himself and stood up from his bed, his blanket still wrapped tightly around him. He made his way out of his bedroom and to his mother's room, he figured she was the only one who could calm him down at this point.

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