Chapter 2: Mom From The Moon

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Louie came into the room. Huey was at a scout meeting, so there was only Dewey in the room. He stood in front of the mirror and watched something white on his T-shirt. "What's up? The pigeon got your shirt dirty?" Dewey turned back in surprise. After a moment he frowned and looked at Louie with small anger. "It's not a stain from a pigeon, it's just a pin!" Louie raised one eyebrow and smiled. "A Pin, you never liked to wear such things, from whom did you get it?" Dewey looked proudly at the pin. "From Webby, she did it herself!" Louie's innocent smile turned into a malicious smile. The green boy approached Dewey and read the caption on the pin. "Hmm ... I see that she has tried ... Recently, you spend a lot of time together. Did she like the book?" Dewey blushed a little. "Even very, and besides how do you know that I gave her a book ?! But we are friends and we can give each other gifts and spend time together, right?" He said nervously.

Louie looked at him with undisguised triumph. "In the end, you've been sitting on it all day long to make it perfect and it's hard not to notice. Besides, you're ONLY your friends ..." He said with malice and he laughed. Dewey blushed even more and looked at Louie with irritation. "Because we are!" Green rolled his eyes. "Huey will be back soon and we wanted to go talk to her mother a bit, it's been a while and I think she feels better after a lunar fever, do you want to go with us, do you prefer to look at your hmmm pin ... Friend?" Dewey snorted angrily, hearing his brother's last words, "Sure, I'm coming, call me as soon as Huey comes back" Louie started to leave the room "No problem".


"Hi guys, are we going to mom?" Huey changed into his red shirt. "What happened, Dewey, do you have a fever?" He looked at the younger brother's red face. "He is not sick, we just talked a bit about his" friend, "" Louie smirked. The blue boy rolled his eyes. Huey looked at them confused. "OK ... Are we going?" he asked a little uncertainly. Louie nudged Dewey. "Are you coming with us, or do you prefer to look at the pin?" Huey looked at his brother's shirt. "Pin, you do not like such things!" The youngest leaned against the red one. "He does not like it, but he got it from Webby," he said maliciously.
Huey looked as if he understood what Louie was saying. He smiled at Dewey. "Come on, let's talk to your" friend "later," He laughed and they left Louie with the room. Dewey rolled his eyes again and became nervous. He looked at the gift from Webby and sighed deeply. "Guys, wait! "He shouted and ran after them.


Webby kept her hand on the first page of the diary. She wanted to save their common, biggest adventure at the beginning. She had already spent some time on it and the tip of the pen had dried out. She could not decide which one to choose! She could go and get Dewey to sit down, but he and Louie and Huey went to talk to Della. She could not wait to talk to her, but after her long illness, the moonlike fever, she had to rest well. Today, he will talk with triplets and possibly with Donald. Webby will be able to go to her in a few days. She was also curious if Dewey really liked the pin she gave him. She often thought about him. Increasingly. She did not know why it was so. They are finally friends, so it's probably normal, right? But she felt that it was something else. Only what? She closed the diary and decided to check if the guys had finished talking to Della.


"Boys, just be there soon, your mother does not feel good enough to talk for a long time ..." Donald left the room where Della was. He looked with concern for the triplets and smiled. Huey looked at his brothers. They both nodded. The red triplet smiled at Uncle Donald, "Do not worry, uncle, Donald, it's okay." The three of them entered Della's room. Donald looked sadly at them. He sighed and stood in front of the door. "Do not worry, your sister will be fine ..." Scrooge went to his nephew and put his hand on his shoulder. Donald looked at him and then at the door. "I'm not worried about her, she finally survived on the moon for 10 years. I'm worried about them after all these years ..." The duck dropped his head. Scrooge also looked at the door. "Everything will be fine, I know it."


"Mom? That ... we ..." Dewey walked a few steps to the bed where Della lay. She looked dull. Dark circles, ruffled hair and frayed feathers. She fell ill immediately after returning to Earth. After such a time spent on the moon, her body could not withstand such a rapid change and weakened. Then Della had a fever and landed in bed for a few weeks. Now the fever subsided, but the duck was still weak.
Della opened her eyes slowly and looked at the children. The triplets went to bed. The duck smiled weakly. "Boys, I'm glad you came ... How are you? I do not know what to tell you ... I'm so sorry ..." The brothers looked at each other and smiled at their mother. Huey put his hand on hers. "Relax, Mom, we're glad you're feeling better ..." Louie smiled at her. Only Dewey stood by the side and looked sad. Della looked at him. "Is everything fine, Dewey?" Blue looked away. "Not really ... Just ... something like that ... I'm glad you came back, but ... I can not get used to ..." Della looked at Huey and Louie. "Boys ... sorry, but I would like to talk to your brother alone ... Come back in a minute ... I'm sorry." The ducks looked at each other. "It does not hurt Mom, we understand. Come on, Louie." When the door closed behind them, Della showed Dewey to come over to her. The boy did it, but he did not look her in the eye and look sad. Della smiled gently. "I know how you feel ... me ... it's weird to be here again ... and to see you in the end ... it's a huge change, but I want you to know that since I got stuck on the moon, there was not a day for me to you did not think ... I was very sorry for my family ... and especially for you, my children ... "She grabbed his hand. Dewey let go of tears. "I ... we also missed ... very ... at the beginning together with Webby we wanted to find out what happened to you ... then they learned Huey and Louie that we are investigating ... and finally Uncle Scrooge told us the truth ... and ... now you are here ... "Dewey cried for good. Della too. "Come to me ..." The duck hugged her son. "And ... who is Webby?" At that moment the door opened and Webby entered the room holding a book in her hands. "Here you are Dewey! Excuse me I bother but I could not wait! " She was embarrassed: "I should not go in ... I'm sorry ..." She wanted to leave now. "Wait, it's good that you came!" Dewey took her hand and walked back to Della. "Mom, this is Webby!" Webby waved her. "Hi, I'm Webby!" Della smiled broadly and looked at their hands, then at Dewey. "It's your girlfriend?" "WHAT?!" Dewey and Webby shouted together. They released their hands and they had nervous and embarrassed expressions. "Webby is my friend ... ONLY, heh ..." "Yes, yes, we are together ... but as friends, not a couple!" Both laughed nervously. Della laughed. "Well ... so this is your friend like that?" "Yes, only, nothing more does Webby connect us?" The blue boy looked nervously at the duck. "That's right! Heh ..." Della looked at the book Webby was holding. "What is it?" Webby looked at the diary. "This is the diary I got from Dewey, the adventurous of our future ... AS FRIENDS!" Webby blushed hard. "Interesting! For a girl like you, it's a perfect gift! You've chosen your son well!" Dewey blushed too. "Thanks, Mom ... Can we go now?" "Come on, Webby, mom, I'll tell Huey and Louie that they can come!" He took Webby's hand again and dragged him along. After closing the door, Della was left alone in the room. "Hmmm .... I really thought it was his girlfriend ..."

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