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Have you ever wondered why life never turned out to be the way you wanted it to be? Yeah, me too. Life is full of surprises, whether they be good ones or bad ones and we'll just have to accept whatever is thrown to us. But life isn't always on the down side. Well most of the time it is, for me at least. The world was kind enough to at least give me a happy family and decent friends. Not exactly decent, but they're friends who always have my back. As I was spacing out, I saw an unfamiliar face forming in my head

"RINJAE, THERE'S A FIRE" Before I could fully form the face, I was cut off of my thoughts by one of my friends, Hyunjin. damn it, I only saw his eyes.


The only answer I got was the booming laughter of my circle of friends; Hyunjin, Seungmin, Felix, who is my brother and Jeongin. Yeah, I'm the only girl in the group but it doesn't matter anyway. The fact that I'm a girl actually makes them feel obligated to protect me. I can protect myself but it's comforting to feel protected by them.

"Geez, rude much" I pouted at them and continued eating my food.

Seungmin chuckled "You keep going to another planet Jae, isn't Earth enough for you?" He joked

I laughed "When is Earth ever enough for me? Do you know who you're talking to? Lee Rinjae, biggest admirer of celestial bodies?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, Hey Dongsaeng, Mom and Dad told me to tell you we'll be going to a party on Saturday and they'll leave after the party for a business trip." My brother, Lee Felix said.

"So we're home alone on Sunday?" I asked. Being alone with Felix is alright but neither of us can't cook so I guess we could order something and have it delivered.

"Seems like it."

"Hey since you guys are home alone, you wanna go out and hang?" Hyunjin said. oooooh hangouts

"That sounds great! Are the others game?"

"Yeah!" Everyone said.

They laughed "Awesome! Let's meet up at noona's house on Sunday. Anyway, Let's go it's time for the next class" Jeongin said and stood up, me following behind him with Felix following behind me.

Jeongin, Felix and I have the same class after lunch so we always go together. We entered the classroom and we sat on our respective seats, sadly we aren't sitting together because the teacher, Ms. Jeon chose the seating arrangement.

"Alright Class, we have a new student. It's the middle of the semester and you probably already have your circle of friends but do your best to make him feel at home." Then she turned to the new student "Introduce yourself Dear."

"Han Jisung, 18. Please take care of me" He stated with his head bowed down.

"Let's see.." She examined the classroom and looked for an empty seat. There was an empty seat beside me and there's one beside Momo, the typical leader of the cheer squad and one of the people that make my school life a living hell. "You can sit beside Momo," Momo raised her hand eagerly to let Jisung know who she was. I could tell that she's after him. "or beside Rinjae." I raised my hand casually so he knows where I am.

Jisung glanced at Momo for a moment, I don't know if it was my imagination but I swore I saw his eyebrows furrow. then his eyes landed on me. We had eye contact for a while. His eyes were full of mystery and secrecy, I thought I saw curiosity in them when he saw me but I'm probably imagining things. He averted his eyes as he started walking toward me and stopped in front of the seat beside me, I could've sworn I saw Momo look at me as if she was about to kill me. Our eyes met and I smiled slightly nodded at him in acknowledgement, he nodded back and put his stuff down and took a seat.

"Okay, let's start our discussion" Ms. Jeon started. I pulled out my notebook to take some notes and took out a pen.

As I was paying attention to her, I could feel a pair of eyes on me. I glanced at the person beside me and he immediately averted his gaze back to the board. Okay?

The lesson was finished and Ms. Jeon started writing on the board "Okay, that's it for today. Your assignment is to read the pages on the board and discuss it with your seat mate tomorrow. That's all, good bye class." She said and we responded with Good bye simultaneously.

The day went by like a flash and there aren't too much to do since exams are coming up.

I sighed as I exited the classroom. I decided to go to the library for a while to study. Exams are coming up and I want to at least get a passing grade.

I find a table and sit down and take out my things. I started flipping through my books and highlighting what's important.

When I started studying for math, I looked for random examples and started solving. of course, like most people, I'm horrible at math so I didn't really know if what I was doing was right.

A few minutes after I finished the last question, I sighed.

"Questions 4-8 are wrong. Are you even trying?" I jumped at the voice and frantically turned around

"U-uhm, who are you?" I asked. Well who wouldn't ask? The dude scared the heck out of me.

He sat down, gave me a grin and answered me, "I'm Bang Chan. And you're gonna need a lot of help with Math."

heyyyy hope you enjoyed this. It won't seem like a Han Jisung fanfiction in the first few chapters but don't worry it'll happen xD if you liked it, that's great! Please tell me what you think in the comments, I'd love to hear from ya'll!

P.S Rinjae in the multimedia 💞

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