2: Fights & voodoo.

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I jump back a bit avoiding being impaled by the extremely large scorpion like tail the old werido has lunged at me.

"Dude what do you eat?!" I groan loudly as I jump back again.

"I don't need to eat." He seeths, obvioysly angered that he had missed again. Dodging, yeah I can do that. Actually striking him, don't see that happening.

"Well you can't grow that thing out of no where." I yell loud enough for him to hear me. I've jumped so far in the matter of a few seconds that the too bastards look extremely tiny. Come to think of it I can't see blonde he/she at all.

And thats when it hit me. I look up in the air and see him on some ugly gigantic clay bird thingymabob, hovering above my sleeping team.

Fucking great Ezmei. This was all to get you far enough from your group so they can get taken care of first, and you didn't even realize it till now. When your too far.

I slap my hand onto my face three times as I mutter "stupid,stupid,stupid." One slap for each 'stupid'.

And now that I think about it...

HOW THE HELL ARE THEY STILL SLEEPING. Jeez I could continuously whack them with a frying pan, and they'd still be sleeping.

Blast it Ezmei, stop thinking. You're wasting your time. How about you save your friends then you can think all you want.

Wow great idea Ezmei.

I shake my head to stop myself from internally talking to myself any longer. Time to seal the deal with my Kyukyoku no budou kyo. Aka my ultimate voodoo. Oh my god I'm a genius.

I bite my thumb hard enough to draw blood and them slam it to the ground. The voodoo diagram appears on the ground and I sit in the middle, crossing my legs over one another. I close my eyes and relax. After 5 seconds I reach for my weapons pouch and pull out a scroll, unwrapping it in the process. I take my bleeding thumb, run it over the unwrapping scroll and quietly say "Kyukyoku no budou kyo". Smoke started to surround me, cueing me that my voodoo had worked and that I can now thoroughly control my sleeping teammates. I get up from my sitting position and hold out my tight arm. I let loose my clenched fist to reveal 5 mini dolls that are similar to my teammates hanging from my fingers. One tied to each. I look up to see blondie throwing a piece of clay towards my group. I squint and bring my right arm back towards my chest then fling it back to the right.

As soon as I did so, the sleeping bodies of my teammates go flying into the direction that my arm was pointing too. I take huge leaps back towards the one I was battling.

"You sneaky bastards you. Trying to trick little ol' me. Well news flash for you, you're just lucky that I'm tired. If not I would have never fallen for that." I spit, giving them the information of my sleepiness just so they won't think I'm weak and stupid just because I fell for an obvious trick like that.

"That was you eh?" The old guy says, with a hint of amusement. I fell like he was smirking but I wouldn't be able to tell because he's got some bandana kind of thing covering his mouth sooo...

"No. Santa Clause." I face palm myself "Of course it was me."

I smirk and hold my hand out letting all the dolls tied to my fingers hang.

"Is she a puppet master like you, Sasori danna?!" I hear blondie yell out from on top of the hovering bird. Raising my eyebrow at the old man I let my smirk grow, before I drop it to let out an exaggerated scoff.

"As if. Puppets are for wussies," I jab my arm with the dolls in Sasori's direction "all voodoo, baby."

Sasori jumped a few steps back. I widen my eyes and looked up to see the bird now hovering over me.

"Shit shit shit." I say, running for my life. I feel the explosion hit the floor and the aftermath of it quickly catching up to me. I feel a sharp pain spread throughout my body as I'm lifted from the ground and flung onto a tree. I slid down the tree till my head hit the floor, because I'm so lucky and got to slam into it upside down, and after the thud of my body falling onto the ground echoed throughout the forest. I groaned in agony as I sat up.

I realized my mouth was full of the taste of blood, so I spit. Letting the nasty red liquid cover the grass on my side. A drop, though, fell from the tip of my mouth and moved south till it threatened to drip from my chin. I also noticed another trail of blood dripping from my hairline straight down to the tip of my nose. I cough and put all my strength into getting up. I ignore all the impulses of my body wanting giving in, and don't stop till I'm standing straight up. I spit blood once more, then squint to get my vision back, since it had gotten slightly blurry. Soon I notice Sasori's tail thingy lunging at me once more. Acting quick make a hand sign, then I fling my arm with the dolls straight into the air, then to the left, then right, then I harshly throw my hand back to my side.

Kenta appears, wielding his gigantic sword and blocks the old guys attack with a second to spare. I turn to look at Kenta and he sound asleep. His blonde locks drooping onto his face, covering his closed golden eyes. I sigh in relief as Sasori pulls his tail back towards himself. Kenta falls back onto the ground asleep, not at all affected by the impact. I scowl at his sleeping body before turning towards the old guy Sasori. Deidara is still hovering on his failed art project, but now instead, hovering behind Sasori.

"What a smart little girl." Sasori coo's in that raspy voice of his. That, quite frankly, scares the crap out of me. I take a while to reply, because I'm panting heavily due to my extremely horrible meeting with sir tree over here. I got the wind knocked completely out of me, and I'm kind of having a hard time to breath. But despite that I conjure up the breath to speak.

"You. Freaks. What the hell. Are you guys?" I say between breaths. I hear the blonds laugh boom throughout the whole entire forest. I get suspicious, so I quickly make another hand sigh, ignoring the shaking that my hands happen to be doing, and then throw my arm up into the air diagonally before I let it fall to my side again. Waiting for the bodies to show up I take deep breaths, getting impatient. When I look at my hand I see the only remaining doll was Kenta, and he was already on the ground beside me.

Right there I noticed that maybe the chakra that tied the voodoo dolls to her finger probably got detached during the explosion. I also realized how lucky I was that Kenta actually stayed attached because if he wouldn't have been able come when I made him, then I would have surely died. Man, I lucky.

I slightly grin then pull my attention back too blondie and old guy, only to see that he was alone, and scorpion man had disappeared.

I gasp as I felt the cold metal of the tail quickly wrap around my waist and squeeze like there was no tomorrow.

Fuck Ezmei you're going to die by getting squeezed in half.

I try and take another breath but fail and only make everything worse. I feel extreme pressure starting on my shoulder, almost as if it was getting drilled into. Then the clatter of something banging onto my head rang inside my ears before I got consumed by darkness.

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