The Wrath of the King's Mate

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Iker knew the moment he lost all semblance of control. Iker tore out the throats of the rogues as he went and all fled. Thousands of rogues ran in the opposite direction as the wrathful mate tore the life out of many of them. Iker remembers Avadh's unmoving eyes as he saw each set of eyes lose its life. He knew Avadh was not dead. The man was fighting and Iker kept his tears at bay as he grabbed Gallis by his throat and held him up by his arms. The rogue was trying to plunge another poisonous arrow on Iker. Iker released his arms when the King's knife tore Gallis' head and then Iker tore the body into six different pieces. 

"That's for each of mine," said Iker, making each tear for the pain the rogue brought on all 6 of his.

He turned, knowing that his King was standing behind him. Iker turned. The man looked dead on his feet. 

"I thought you couldn't care less if I died," said Avadh.

Iker slapped him and the King fell on him. Iker caught him and ran his hand soothingly through his hair.

The journey to the infirmary was long. Iker had the medicines he was given but did not leave Avadh's side. He felt his tears fall down. Until a healer exclaimed, he did not realise what he was doing.  Avadh was healing.

Ahem smiled as he held Iker.

"Do you know what that means?"

Iker tried hard not to cry but his stupid hormones wouldn't let him.

"Unconditional," said Avadh as he opened his eyes and looked at Iker who scowled.

"For all the drama you pull, I should divorce you and go find a normal partner and live a life of a recluse," said Iker.

"Would you?" asked Avadh.

Iker snorted.

"No. I don't see you becoming a normal partner and I sure as fuck am not going to marry anyone other than you and I have no intentions of leaving you free to enjoy your life. Not leaving you even in death," said Iker as he laid his head on Avadh's chest and Avadh smiled.

"If you had died on me, I would have followed you to the afterlife and made it a living hell for you," grumbled Iker.

Avadh laughed.

When Jana opened his eyes, they were still the same as Iker's and Avadh's and both the parents and the family heaved a huge sigh of relief.


Ethan reached the mansion late in the night. Atrey was waiting. It has been a week since Atrey came to Myrkovir. Ethan took the towel Atrey gave him. He bathed and came out. He had been helping Cristian secure the pack kids.

Ethan told him all that happened from what he had learned from Arav.

"Wow, he and brother obliterated the whole of Tabora rogues? While pregnant too?" asked an amazed Atrey.

Ethan nodded.

Atrey laid out the dinner for them.

"Jana and Tara are fine?" asked Atrey again for reassurance.

"Yes," said Ethan

They had dinner in silence.


Ethan woke up to see Atrey nestled on his chest. he looked at Atrey. For a prince and that too the most pampered younger one, Atrey never complained. He whined at times, but no complaints. He was okay with the life they were leading so far.

Ethan felt Atrey's arm tightly gripping his shirt. He felt all the tender feelings he had not known himself to be capable of rising up in him as he looked at Atrey.

Atrey opened his eyes to see Ethan looking at him and his cheeks flushed red. Ethan captured Atrey's lip in his as he kissed him fervently. Atrey kissed him back. Ethan lost all semblance of control. Ethan has always thought sex was overrated. However, after finding his mate, he has had sex more than usual. However, it was him and the bond losing control rather than his body reacting to Atrey.


Atrey consumed more of his thoughts these days and Ethan found it unforgivable. He was seriously angry at himself and at Atrey when one of the lone wolf families ended up dead at the hands of a rogue pack from the northern moors.

The anger was bubbling inside him when he got home. Ethan froze on his steps. He has never thought if the mansion as his home before.  Atrey was seriously fucking with his head now. He found Atrey sitting on the sofa reading some book as he kept one eye on the clock in the wall.

"You are leaving and going back to the palace today," said Ethan.

Atrey got up surprised.

"I didn't hear you come in," said Atrey.

"I will send your things tomorrow, but you are leaving now," said Ethan.

"I am not going anywhere," said Atrey, stubbornly.

Ethan pulled Atrey and dragged him down the stairs and the halls, not listening to the pleas of Ashinta or Sali or any others who tried to stop him.

Ethan dropped Atrey's hand once he was outside the mansion.

"You are a big distraction and I have no time to indulge your childishness. A family is dead because you keep half my attention. It is not like I can let any harm come to the youngest prince. Go, Go back. The hunters will lead you. I don't want a mate and I was just fine before you came," said Ethan and closed the door shut on Atrey's face.

"Luna, if you want me to lead you to the palace-" started Sali.

"No, I am not going to palace because the Alpha had a fit. You called me the Luna, didn't you? Respect my wishes and let me be," said Atrey and he sat down on the yard. It had started to rain, but he refused to ask Ethan to take him back in or to ask for sanctuary from anyone. He refused all who offered and sat there stubborn as an Alwar prince would be.


Ethan saw the heavy downpour and hoped Atrey reached palace before it. He couldn't sleep properly. The rooms smelled of Atrey. In fury, he wound them all together and moved it outside and yet the presence was there. 

Ethan tried to reach Atrey through the mind link, which was out of character for him. But he would do anything at this point if it would help him sleep. Apparently, of all days the prince has chosen this day to block him out. Ethan gave up on sleeping by 2 in the morning and went out and opened the mansion door to go out into the woods. And he froze on the steps. A very familiar blue wolf laid there curled in a ball and shivering as each and every droplet of heavy rain fell on it. 

Ethan cursed the Alwar stubbornness as he lifted his mate and took him inside. Atrey changed back and Ethan changed his clothes and warmed him up by covering him with comforters and pillows, but he was still shivering. Ethan removed his shirt and slid in next to Atrey and the body heat kept Atrey warm.


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