Chapter 3

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I can't sleep of all night. I can't stop thinking about Hawk, and our relationship, basically the ex-relationship. I was crying, I know that Astoria said to me that I shouldn't thinking of him, but I can't it is so difficult. Also, why I'm cold and tremble? My teeths make a curious noise. Maybe I have fever (It was winter)

"Rose are alright?" I heard Astoria's voice

"I-I don't know, I'm cold and temble" I said. I had two blankets, but I was cold. Astoria put her hand on my forehead and she gusp. 'Huh' I thought to myself. She run out of the room and she came with a thermometer.

"Take this" She said stressed. When I took it, the thermometer said 39,5!

"OMG" Astoria shouted. I can't hear her or saw after that Astoria said, the room turned black, I was thinkng that I'm dying. The only thing that I hear before faint it was Astoria shouted my name.


When I woke up I saw Rose tremble. I ask her if she alright. She said me that she's cold and tremble. I put my hand on her forhead. I think she have fever. I give her the thermometer. When she took out from her armpit the thermomenter said 39,5. What? I was panic. I'm very mad at Hawk and with Rose. I said to her to stop thinking about him, this isn't Rose fault. Is Hawk's fault, Rose is so good girl and he used her. It's normally to cry and be sad. I understend her. She has all the right to cry.

"Look I'll stand here. I will not let you alone" I said to her

"N-no Astoria, go to school" she said with tired voice

"You need to sleep" I said and I go out from my room. I was going to the kitchen to make her a healpthy breakfast.


I'm idiot. I can't believe that I kissed Ambrosia. I deserve this slap. She was so right, when she slapped me. I was going to school, I see Travis go out from the portal, but without Rose. If he know what happen he will kill me. Beacause, he and Rose are like a siblings.

"Good morning Travis" I said with a terrifying way.

"Morning Hawk. Are you ok?" he asked me

"Yes I'm fine" I replied. "Where is Rose?" I asked him

"Oh she is at Astoria castle. The parents told me" He said while walking at class.


"Where is Astoria and Rose?" Joy wispered. "I don't know" me, Travis and Ling-Ling said. Suddenly we see Astroia come to us.

"Good morning guys" Astoria said glaring at me. I'm guilty.

"Where's Rose?" Ling-Ling ask Astoria

"She goes to her house" she said

"Why? What happen?" Travis ask worried

"Hawk know" Astoria said pointing at me

"Hawk what happen?" Travis ask me start to glare at me.

Luckily the lesson start.


My head is burn, when I stand up Ι'm dizzy. I go to my house. I fell more comfortable here. *DOUNG* *DOUNG* I hear my phone...I think it is Travis or Astoria. No it can't HAWK. I don't want to talk with him. So I send him a messege.


💎Rose Cinderella💎: Stop calling me. I don't want to talk with you.

Hawk S.W: Rose please I'm sorry. I just want to ask you if you're ok.

💎Rose Cinderella💎: Since we broke up I'm fine

Hawk S.W: No...Rose. Give my a second change. This isn't my fault.

💎Rose Cinderella💎: It was your fault. If you're really love me you would naver lett her kiss you.

Hawk S.W: Please Rose. I love you, I really love you.

💎Rose Cinderella💎: We're over Hawk.



I don't want to have any relationship with him. I'm over with him.


Hello guys, I make a new book who called "Miraculous meme". Basically, is Plagg's book. Love from Fenia to Plagg❤ Also in this story we'll have some extra guests (Including Plagg he deserve it)

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