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Emperor Feng Longwei was looking for Shuze Shen but he was not there. He went to the secret place where his shadow guards were staying.

"Where is Shuze Shen, in a thundering voice?" The Emperor said.

Everyone were startled, one of the lower rank guards told the Emperor bowing that he took a leave to join his family to look for the Empress. The Emperor left without saying a word.

"Why would Shuze Shen didn't ask for my permission? Perhaps, the Guiren clan hates me so much for what happened to Li Me? I certainly, did not expect for Li Me to just walk away just like that without being seen by the guards?" The Emperor said.

The Emperor paced here and there to look for ways to find his beloved Li Me that he missed him dearly. His longing for him to come back but when would that be? Would he ever forgive me? Will he still accept me as his Emperor and his husband? Those questioned can't be answered unless he found the person that holds his hearts, his whole being.

He heard from his shadow guards that the Guiren where looking for Li Me far and wide. Every nook and cranny was not spared just to find him. The Emperor on the other hand, looks elsewhere to find Li Me but in vain.

Meanwhile, the Guiren, prepared to look for the Shinki forest according to what Xia Chen read in the book, which was kept deep in the Guiren Palace library. They will only find the entrance to that forest in a shield that invisible to their naked eyes.

The Guiren can only rely on this place to find Li Me. It's their last hope for they know Li Me will have difficulty giving birth to their grandchild. Little did they know that Li Me gave birth to a triplets, two female and one male (having both gender).

A day after yesterday, during the break of dawn the Guiren was already prepared to look for Li Me in that Shinki forest. This task is like finding a needle in a hay stack. They were near the borderline of the Empire trying to find that shielded forest.

The Emperor and his men were just behind them. They have been following them for quite some time. The Emperor wanted to join the search for Li Me with the Guiren clan but he was banned from joining in because he was the cause of Li Me predicament.

Night falls, the Guiren family settled for a night sleep in borderline of the Empire after having their dinner. They took the chance to rest and talk of the possibilities if one of them can enter to the magical realms.

"If only one of us can enter that magical realm give us a sign so we can follow you." Changze Shen said.

It will be impossible to any one of us to give a sign to all because it stated in the book, that whoever enters into that realm is being sucked up into that world. Thus, giving a sign is impossible." Ru Shi said.

"Let's just agree with one thing. If any of us could enter that realm much tell us what was happening in that world." Zhi Ruo said.

"Mother, we know that there are magical creatures in that realm. They could cast a spell and have magical powers too that can be used against us if they felt threatened. Most of all, what if they will cast a spell not to tell anyone if were able to leave that place?" Yu Yan said.

"Let's just wait and see, the most important task for now is find the entrance fo Shinki forest and look for Li Me. Let's not over think about such scenario for it will not do well for us." Yin Yue said.

Xia Chen was just listening attentively because when she searches alone without the company of siblings or the guards, she felt that she stumble upon a particular place that is quite different from the rest. She just keeps it to herself because she wasn't sure at all.

The Mysterious Male Empress and His SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now