Sometimes even the bravest get scared

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(This chapter was written by the wonderful whatsastory . Thank you for the assist honey bunch!)

I'm not sure if anyone has ever told you, but being a superhero is rough. Physically, mentally, emotionally, it takes a toll. My work is never really finished, because even if I defeat the nastiest of criminals tonight, a new one will surely pop up tomorrow and I'll start the process all over again. It leaves an incredibly unsatisfying feeling in my gut. And that's why on days like today, when I'm bloody, bruised, exhausted and feeling cuddly, I'm so thankful for Mark.

He's the one constant in my life that never leaves me wanting more. His warmth, both literally and emotionally always ground me and reminds me that even though I have an amazingly stressful job, I'm still only human. He makes me remember to take care of myself, and right now I need that more than ever.

The spot next to him in our soft bed is calling my name with each stair leading to our cozy apartment. Jack, Jack, Jack. I almost want to call out to it and tell it that I'll be there in just a moment. The thought makes me laugh to myself, I must really be exhausted for something so silly to cross my mind.

Finally, the key is slid into the lock, and that comforting click of the door opening brings me such peace. What brings even more peace is the image of Mark sitting on the couch fast asleep, with the soft glow of infomercials lighting his handsome face. It's obvious that he tried and failed to wait up for me. Hell, who needs the bed when I can just as easily slide on the couch next to him and take a nap on his lap? Nothing has sounded so perfect in such a long while.

Soon my head is rested just where I wish it could always be, and my eyes are closing of their own accord. Could anything be more perfect? Just the two of us, comfortable, safe, warm... too warm. Okay, hot. Jesus, he's burning up.

My eyes pop back open in annoyance, and it's then that I see smoke blocking the view of the tv. With a loud yelp I'm off the couch and bounding over a small fire centered around Mark's bare feet rested on the carpet.

"Shit, Mark! Your powers!" I yell as I race for the kitchen to grab the extinguisher. White foam is spread around the floor, but still he won't wake up. It's okay, I suppose, I can just let him sleep it off and we can talk about it tomorrow...

The smell of something burning catches my attention from behind me, and when I turn I see that the tv is melting into a blackened puddle on the floor.

"Fuckin' hell! Mark! Wake up! You're going to burn the entire building to the ground!"

With another fire extinguished, he really has to wake up. There's no other option here. If he keeps on sleeping who knows what'll happen, the entire city might just catch a case of the embers.

"Mark, baby, come on, wake up," I practically screech as I shake his shoulder. Why won't he wake up? He's usually such a light sleeper, and I can't help but hope that he's alright.

It's only when I feel heat at my leg that my attention is drawn away from him. Looking down I notice a pin sized freckling of fire beginning on my pant legs and I'm overcome with panic. I'm frozen in time and space for a moment, and I can almost see Darkfire standing in front of me. It isn't Mark, my sweet, amazing, loving boyfriend. It isn't the man that I'm going to marry. It's someone evil. Someone that shouldn't be able to walk around free to destroy everything in his path.

Soon my wits surge back into me, and I can see that the fire is beginning to grow. What was just pin sized mini fire, is quickly growing into something that needs to be contained. Another yelp and a generous spraying from the extinguisher and it's only the pain on my skin that's left to remind me that it happened.

"Mark! You're going to kill me!"

"Maybe that's the plan."

His eyes snap open at an alarming rate, and it's not the chocolate brown that I'm hoping for. It's the velvety crimson that sends shockwaves of fear down the spines of everyone that crosses his path. He's on his feet in the blink of an eye, with knees bent and hands extended in front of him. He's in battle position.

A second wave of adrenaline corses through me, and I prepare myself for a fight. This isn't something that I ever thought would happen again. How could we have been so stupid? The pills worked amazingly well for him, why couldn't we have just left well enough alone?

"Mark, please... we don't want to do this..." my voice cracks, but his malevolent smile only broadens. The same small splashes of fire kick up around my shoes, sizzling the carpet away to blackened flecks of dust floating through the air, and still he persists.

"Baby, please, you're... you're scaring me..."

I'm not afraid for myself or the things he's burning. I'm afraid for him. If he were to... kill me... once he snapped back into reality he would never forgive himself. That's not the life that I want for him.

"Come back to me, please, Mark. I know you're in there. I love you, I love you so much." His hands drop to his sides, and I take it as a sign that my words are working.

"Mark, you're so sweet and caring. I want to spend my life with you. But we can't have that if I'm dead. Please stop the fire before it gets out of control..."

It's almost as if a switch is flipped inside of him, and the red in his eyes melts away into the comforting brown, the fire is gone, and he looks at me with confusion.

"Jack? What happened-"

He can't finish his sentence because I'm throwing myself at him, doing my best to contain my sobs. His arms wrap around me just as tightly, the same way they always do.

"Did I do this in my sleep?" He rasps, and I pull myself away for the sake of a proper conversation.

"You set me on fire, Mark," I tell him somberly, trying my best to keep accusation out of my words.

"Jack, I..." His mouth forms an O, and he shakes his head in disbelief. Tears are flowing freely down his ash covered cheeks, leaving a clean streak along his skin. "I'm so, so sorry. I would never hurt you on purpose. I... I'm so ashamed."

I take his hand in mine and let myself feel just as vulnerable. He didn't mean it, I know he didn't. He would never do anything to hurt a fly, not when he's in the right rate of mind.

"I think we need help, quicker than next month, Mark. We might need to go to Robin and talk about you going to the facility tomorrow. Would you be willing to do that with me?"

His head stays low and he avoids eye contact, but soon enough his head is nodding. We're going to get him help.

Just Another Day at the Office (Septiplier AU)Where stories live. Discover now