The Day the Field Trip Came to Peter

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"Hey Peter"

"Hi Mr. Stark" sighed Peter with a glum expression on his face as he walked into the living room of the Avengers Tower where most of the Avenger sat. (moving day never happened)

"What's with the long face Mini Stark?" asked Thor who had returned from Asgard that morning and was happily munching on a Pop-Tart.

Peter dragged his feet as he made his way towards a stool near the kitchen island and sat on it leaning his elbows against the cool marble, "Mr. Warren said I had to miss the school field trip tomorrow because I skipped class to many times for the 'Stark Internship'. Now I'll probably have to sit in the principal's office until the rest of the school is  let out."

"Don't worry about it kid," said Tony Stark as he patted Peter on the back, " I'm sure that I can talk your teachers into letting you skip school and you can spend tomorrow at the Tower with 'the world's mightiest heroes'" 

"Really, Mr. Stark!" Peter's glum expression immediately changed into one of excitement, " That would be great! I can't believe this. I'll have to ask Aunt May but she'll say yes of course she will. She'll have to..." Peter chattered as he made his way back out of the Tower to go tell Aunt May this wonderful news.

The Next Day ( at Midtown tech)

"Alright class I have exciting news!" said Mr. Warren as he stood outside the school where his students were impatiently waiting to board the bus. "This field trip will take us to the Avengers' Tower!" The class excitedly burst into loud noise at the announcement. Well all except MJ whose face was buried in a thick book. 

"Hey Ned! Do you think we'll see your friend Puny Parker (what! I have morals) at the Avengers' Tower? I heard he got to skip the rest of school because of his special 'stark internship'. Oh wait, I forgot, he never had one." sneered Flash as he made his way over to Ned and MJ. "He couldn't even get in. They would hire me before they ever hired Parker."

"Flash, nobody would ever hire you," said MJ without looking up from her book, "Your IQ is to small and ego to big." Flash, having nothing to say to that stalked away and boarded the bus with a large scowl on his face. "That look makes him look constipated." snickered MJ looking up from her book for a brief second. 


( after 1 hour of the tour)

"Now our next stop is the living space of the Avengers, where we will hopefully see a few of them." said the tour guide, Ally Swanson, as the elevator doors opened and reveled...nothing? A layer of black duct tape covered the doorway. From behind the tape there were several hushed whispers that were barely audible. "Alright every one calm down," said as every one started to panic. "FRIDAY, please alert the avengers that we are just a tour group and will not take place in their prank war."

"I have informed them Ms. Swanson" 

After about 10 seconds the corner of the black tape peeled away to reveal Tony Stark, Black Widow, and Captain America all with guilty expressions on their faces. "Sorry, we thought you were the others." 

Soon after Peter started to spend more time at the Tower the first of every month became a prank war day. The teams were always the same Tony, Steve, and Natasha against Peter, Sam, Bucky, and when he wasn't visiting his family, Clint. All the rest were too mature for Prank Wars.

The three Avengers were soon bombarded with questions which they all answered without (much) grumbling. 

Time skip and back to Peter

"Okay," said Clint as he led the rest of his team through the vents right above the room where the others were still answering questions. "Here's the plan. As soon as I slide the vent open Peter and Sam, you dump the pink and purple slime while Bucky, you dump this jar of glitter while I prepare to take the picture. Got it?" 

Three whispers of 'yep' where heard. 

"Alright, on the count of three. one. two. THREE!" the opening in the vent slid open and slime and glitter poured out of the opening and covered the three helpless Avengers below. Clint, Peter, Sam, and Bucky all jumped through the hole and Clint snapped a picture of the pink and purple Avengers with his phone.

Peter's high school class stared mouths agape at their classmate who dared dump slime on the world's mightiest heroes. " Puny Parker, y-you actually work here?!" stuttered Flash whose face was bright red. With anger or embarrassment no one could tell. "You're too stupid. How could you work here?" 

"What did you call Peter?" questioned Tony trying to look as intimidating as possible while covered in pink and purple slime. 


"Oh, I think it was something." Tony glared while trying to wipe the slime from his face. " I also think that this tour is over. Ally, please show this group out."

"Of coarse, Mr. Stark." said Ally, also glaring as she and Peter had grown to be good friends.

As soon as the class exited the room, Tony turned to Peter "Next time you tell me when someone is bullying you and I'll make sure it won't happen again. " he said this in a all seriousness. Then he did something surprising. He leaned down and hugged Peter. 

"Are you hugging me because you actually love me or because you're covered in slime?" asked Peter with a dubious expression on his face.

 Tony grinned, "Why can't it be both?"   

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