Finn POV (22 and Millie is 21)

Chapter 3: pregnancy test
1 year later (2016)
Millie has been acting strange (r things lol 😂) she always has morning sickness and she always has weird cravings like pickles w/ soda or popcorn w/ chocolate Syrup, I don't know what's wrong but we went to go see a doctor "Ms.Brown" the nurse called we went with the nurse and brought us to the room "hello I'm Mrs. Lieberher but you can call me Sophia"she said "ok So what is wrong"she asked "Well I've been having morning sickness and having weird food carvings" Millie said "ok here is a cup can you pee in it please"Sophia asked "of course"Millie said. She grabbed the cup and went to the bathroom there she came back and give Sophia the cup back "ok I will be right back"she said and left the room "are you ok Millster"I asked "yeah I just have a  weird feeling"she said "same"I Said then Sophia came back w/ a pregnancy test WAIT A PREGNANCY TEST. " congrats you are pregnant" she said happily Millie was shocked and I was as well but we were happy we've been trying for a baby and this was soo exciting.

After the doctors

Millie wanted to go the mall and buy some baby bottles and pacifiers we bought all the stuff and went to McDonald's "hello went would you like"the speaker thingy spoke "can I have a 10 piece chicken nuggets and a Pepsi"I said "what do you want Millie"I asked "I want a big Mack with large French fries and a macchiato"she said "can I also get a big Mack w/ large French fries and a macchiato"I said "ok that will be $20.39 cents" the speaker said we went up to grabbed the food, we got are food then we went home (there old old apartment)

We got home I opened the door for Millie, Millie asked me a random question "will you leave me when I have the baby"she asked "why would you even think that I will never leave and the baby"I said "good"she smiled oh I love that smile.

I was bored so I decided to update so here you go

THE ACE FAMILY//FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now