"Maka watch out!" Soul called out as the young blond girl was struck with their adversaries weapon in the back. As the crazed man came close to the girl the young scythe slashed through him. "No one touches my mister." Soul growled as he picked up the small tattered soul they were sent to get. "Maka you OK you look hurt?" Soul asked obviously worried. The truth was she was and it hurt like hell. "No I'm OK just a little shook up." Maka was not the best at what she did. She always had at least a bruise or two after a mission but, never this bad. She seriously fucked up this time. She could tell the wound was deep but she didn't know how deep."Well I'm going to go get the bike. Are you sure you're OK Maka?” Soul was worried he was sure he had seen Maka get hit with that freaks sword. ”Yes I’m OK just a little tired.” He was so mad but, if Maka said she was OK she's OK As they got home Maka was in a lot of pain. “Maka can I shower first? I kinda smell...” He asked while looking into her eyes, oh how he loved her eyes. They were green but not like any green he had seen; they were like emeralds with just a touch of blue. But as he looked into her eyes he could see she was hurt and that she didn't want him to know. All he could think about as he showered was is Maka OK “I’m out Maka you can shower now.” Soul yelled. “OK thanks.” Maka winced at the thought of the water hitting her throbbing back. As she cleaned the gaping cut in her back she did all she could do to hold back the screams. The pain was the worst she had ever felt. She wrapped her back with thick gauze and an ace bandage. She cried herself to sleep knowing the pain that was in store for tomorrow. “Soul get up! Breakfast is ready!” Maka yelled to the sleeping Soul. 'Mm' was all the response Soul gave her. ”Get your lazy butt up now or I’m leaving you here!"Soul wouldn't get up if Maka didn't yell. “OK! OK I’m up.” Soul stretched. Maka loved watching him stretch it was her favorite thing in the morning. She loved him but was too nervous to tell him. She knew if she did and Soul rejected her their living arrangements and partnership would be awkward. ”So whats for breakfast?” Soul asked as he realized Maka was staring at him. He loved her but didn't want to ruin the thing they had going on.”W-we’re having french toast and bacon.” Maka stuttered as she saw him looking into her eyes. “Maka, remember the gang want us to play a basketball game today.” Soul called from the bathroom. “Oh No...” Maka whispered under her breath. She had forgotten the game. As the walked up to the DWMA Black☆Star whacked Maka with all his might right where the cut was. “YOU JERK!” Maka yelled and she fell to the ground. Tsubaki noticed Maka was acting weird. Aside from the black blouse Maka was wearing, she could normally take whatever Black☆Star through at her. ”Remember the game!” Black☆Star called out as he ran down the hall. School felt to short as Maka got ready for the Basketball game. As they played Maka could feel her wound reopening. “Awesome Maka! You made a basket!” Pattie giggled and hit Maka on the back.”Ow!” Maka yelled as she fell to her knees. Blood seeped through Maka’s shirt and everyone gasped. “Maka what's wrong?” Pattie asked quizzically. ”Maka lift up the back of your shirt.” Soul said dryly. Maka was obedient and lifted up the back of her shirt to reveal the gauze and the ace bandage. “ I didn't want to burden you Soul.” Maka said shyly. Soul slowly unwrapped the bandages on her back to reveal the gaping wound on Maka’s back. ”Holly Shit! Maka!” Soul yelled. ”When did you plan on telling me?!” Soul was furious. Maka was suffering and didn't tell him. He knew she was hurt but did nothing. What was wrong with him. ”After Prof.Stein stitched me up.” Maka whispered. (Stein was out of town and would be back in a few days.) “Maka you should have told us.” Tsubaki said. “I know but this is the worst I have ever screwed up and I was embarrassed. Please forgive me.” Maka cried. “Get on.” Soul said as he squatted down for Maka to get on. “Thank you Soul...” Maka said as she nuzzled her head into the back of Soul’s neck. “Next time, tell me OK?” Soul said. When they got home Maka was passed out. Soul set her in her bed and tucked her in being careful of her back. “I love you Maka Albarn.” Soul said sure Maka was asleep.