Beachside story bit** part 3 nigga!

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Boop da boop de boop boop NIGGA! I donno what I'm doing with my life right now😂😂 lol. Moving on, here is part 3 of beachside story bitch!!!!!!!!


They had finally got there.

"Awwww shit niggas!" Riley said looking and drooling at all of the half naked girls.

He looked over at Huey, who was reading.

"Huey the lames ass bitch! Wooo nigga wooo!!!! Dis is Huey the lame ass bitch nigga!!!!"

Huey hit him in the head with his book.

"Shut the hell up. I remember when you, not only wore clothes from a gay man-

"Shut da fuck up!"

Angelika looked at Riley.

"You had clothes from a gay nigga?"she looked at him with the what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you look.

"Nah!Huey's lame ass is lying!" He looked at her with the I'm- not- a gay- ass- nigga look.

"Okay" she nodded. "I chooses to believe that you're not a gay ass nigga."

Riley sighed in relief .

"Now,don't you think we should go swimming now?" He said devilishly.


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