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Name: Mariah King

Age: 17

Birthday: November 19th

Nickname: RiRi

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: Jamaican



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Family: Taliyah King (Mother) Joseph King (Father) Julius and Robert King (Younger Twin Brothers)

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Family: Taliyah King (Mother)
Joseph King (Father)
Julius and Robert King (Younger Twin Brothers)

Love Interest: Reggie Mantle or Archie

Friends: Archie Andrews, Reggie Mantle, Veronica Lodge, Josie McCoy, Melody Valentine, Valerie Brown, Cheryl Blossom

Personality: Sassy, athletic, egotistical, moralistic and independent

Other: She had a crush on Nick St. Clair until she found out what he had done to Veronica and Cheryl.

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