Legends: Heroes of Acts pt.1

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Acts 17: 6
Acts 9: 1-6
Ephesians 1: 17
Phillipians 3: 10
Other than Jesus, the two most talked about people in Acts are Paul and Peter. Paul, previously known as Saul, was what we today would call a modern-day terrorist. On his way to Damascus, h e met (and was blinded by) Jesus. Saul then asked these two questions:
1. Who are you, Lord?
2. What do you want me to do?

Someone said that he spent the rest of his life finding out the answers to those two questions. Shouldn't we ask those questions as well? As Christians, that is basically what we are set out to do. Paul's story is an example that there should be an urge to pursue after God. He was set free from being a known terrorist, and for that he spent his life after the one who set him free. He turned the world of false prohets and overly religious people in the pursuit of these questions. He wanted to have a closer relationship with God, and shouldn't we be the same way? He wanted to know more about God alone. Can we say the same about ourselves? There is always more to God that he wants to show us. There are always more questions for us to ask in order to have a closer relationship with our creator. Don't you still want that?

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