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'Oh Willow.' Tara thought fondly. She was caressing the page of her textbook she was on, which just so happened to be the same book the redhead had used as a pillow just last night. It had smelled like strawberries, Willow's favorite shampoo. Willow maybe not have known this, but she had owned the blonde completely. She has ever since the Wicca group meeting. She continued to read through her text book when a frantic knock interrupted her study.

Tara went and answered the door and to her pleasant surprise, it was Willow. 'Speak of the devil' Tara thought. "Willow, what are you-" she was cut off by sudden arms wrapping around her tightly into a bear hug-a tiny bear that is. She hugged back hesitantly, confused on where this sudden act of affection came from. "Wil-willow? A-are you okay?"

"Thank the goddess your alright!" willow exclaimed, face still buried in Tara's shoulder.

"W-why wouldn't I be? Will, what's g-going on?"

Willow broke out of the embrace somewhat relieved. "Oh, that's right! I guess I have much to do in the explaining department." She guided Tara beside her on the bed and proceeded to tell her all about the rouge slayer.

"S-so this Faith is out? Sh-she woke up?"

"Yes. Buffy is on it though. Tonight she and Riley go patrolling while we just stay locked up in the ritual hiding."

"A-are you gonna be okay?" genuine concern riddled her voice.

Willow smiled small and grabbed Tara's hand. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Now it's not mandatory, but it is scooby law to offer protection from big bads to civilians." She smirked, "would you like me to, um, stay over so I can, uh, protect you?" her cheeks turned a shade of crimson.

Tara also blushed but she nodded aswell. "Absolutely. "I wo-wouldn't want to t-turn down my own per-personal body guard."

"Great! I, uh, I mean that's great, mhm. I'll just go get some stuff from my dorm and then the body guarding will begin officially." She got up and panic racked her body. Her dorm was all the way across campus. Should she not go? should she take Tara with her? no she needed to go and she'd put her in more danger by taking her. It would be best to keep her locked up in the dorm. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. Stay locked up in here and don't let any slutty-slayers in. Okay? Please?"

Tara put her hands on willows shoulders, "I promise." She used her signature side grin as reassurance."oh, Willow, use this." Handing willow the key, Tara continued, "you know, now you don't have to knock and ruin the whole guard thing. Now I'll know it's you."

"Oh great idea! good thinking. Kay, I'll be back." The blonde stayed still until willow closed the door behind her, then she turned around. She gasped. Panic swept through her and paralyzed her body. However it quickly subsided when she realized it nothing more then the shadow of a leaf branch moving outside, casting shadows on the walls and making eerie sounds of movement. Then she realized-the window was open. 'Your being paranoid.' Tara thought 'Willow probably opened it.'

About ten minutes later there was another knock on Tara's door. 'Willow must be back.' She smiled and reached for the knob but froze. Willow had a key. Maybe she forgot? "Willow, you okay?" Tara asked as she opened the door to an unknown face.

"I'm five by five." Like a flash of lightening, Faith kicked Tara back into the room, sending her flying into her book shelf of spells. She was half unconscious, a trickle of blood was going down her pronounced cheekbone. Faith dragged her by her feet and roped both arms together and sat her leaning against the bed. "So, Blondie, Willows not driving stick anymore? Who woulda thought!" she pulled up a chair and say with the back between her legs. "So, you a scooby?"

Tara coughed, "N-no." Her eyes widened as much as they could and trained themselves on the woman in front of her. "Wh-what did y-you do to Wil-low?" her voice was demanding despite being shaky. more demanding then anyone, including herself, ever expected from the shy witch.

Faith's eyebrows shot up on her forehead, "Little red? Haven't seen her, lucky for her. Not so lucky for you though, cause I decided I want you instead." She dragged up a chair and sat on it with the back between her legs.

Tara became panicked. "M-me? Why?"

Faith smiled deviously, "you let me worry about that." Faith leaned in with a towel she got from a first aid pack she found in the hall and wiped the wound lining Tara's head. She stared at the blood on the soiled cloth.

"W-why are you h-helping me?"

"Cuz, I don't wanna be sportin' an injury when I'm you."

"What?" Tara was more then a little terrified.

Faith chuckled evilly and sat up. She stalked over to the window, looking down at the deserted campus yard. "Wow, you really ain't a scooby, are you? Well good. Then I could tell you the story first." Her gaze outside hardened into a glare at anything in her sight. "Once upon a time my life was already screwed over, then I was called. From then on, Buffy took what was left of my life and ruined it and any chance of one in the future. But," she turned and held up her hand, which held a weird mechanical contraption, "But this right here? this is my last shot to a happy ending. And your life is perfect for the part." She watched Tara's eyes bulged so much she thought they might pop out of her socket. Pure concern was dripping from her facial features. Faith laughed. "Oh, don't worry. I wont sleep with red. I'd rather Buffy's honey." A twisted wicked grin spread across her face and then she sent her fist flying through the glass. But instead of doing something about it, she stood there, studying the shards of glass in her arm, and flexing her fist making her blood pour out more.

This woman is sick. But, now was Tara's chance. She wiggled her hands free from the rope constricting them to her back and rose her hands to Faiths back. "Incuinado!" she shouted as a ball of fire shot out and bursted across Faith's back.

"Ah!" faith yelped in pain. "That wasn't a wise choice, Blondie." In one swift, liquid motion, she flipped over Tara and grabbed one of her arms, twisting it behind her back. The pain was so intense, it brought Tara to her knees. "I was waiting 'til red got back, but I guess my co-star can't wait to start, so I'm gonna start the show a little early." She took the mechanical contraption into her injured hand and slapped it into Tara's free hand. Then, she pressed a big button mounted on the top of both hands. A soft tingling started in both women's hands as they started to glow as well. The glowing an rifling gradually built up until finally it bursted, sending the slayer flying in one direction and the witch in the other.

The last thing Tara remembered was a fiery tingling sensation across her back and a pain shooting through her arm, which was also covered in a thick liquid pouring out onto her burning skin as the room spun and faded to black.

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