for you guys....

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Ok hi guys. I am have to do something and I want your opinions. I have to create a drawing for my skeckbook cover so i want you guys to answer what I should do by commenting on each question on what you want me to do bc I have no idea.


Should I do all 7 members of BTS, a different group or just one member from BTS? (If you chose a different group or a member I need the name of the group or the member)

Should it be a self portrait or a full body image??

Should I have a nice, peaceful, pastel background or a dark-colored, hard core background?

What should I include in the drawing?(like anything from a music video?? And if so what is it and what video?)

And if you have anymore suggestions, comment what they are and I will try to put them in.

Also I need this done by Tuesday so if you could comment by the end of today or tomorrow that would be really great!! And when I finish, I will show you guys!!❤

❤ Hailey

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