[8] Crush

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3rd Person
"Because I'm talking to my bias.." Minhyuk mumbled.

"Hmm? Did you said something?" Mina said with her raised eyebrows. "N-No. It was nothing.." Minhyuk replied while looking away, but Mina actually heard him.

"He's cute."

"No wonder why I like him." Mina thought.


As the time have passed, it was already late so Mina's family decided to thanked Minhyuk's family for the lovely and fun dinner they had.

As Mina and her family stood in front of the door, "Thank you for the dinner again, Mr. Park." Mina's dad said as he offered his hand to Minhyuk's father.

Mr. Park gladly shook Mr. Myoui's hand before letting it go.

Mr. Myoui smiled for the last time before turning to leave the house, not until..

"Oh, one more thing." Mr. Park said, making the three looked back.

"Yes, Mr. Park?"

"I would like to say a word to you." Minhyuk's father said smiling.

His father leaned towards Mr. Myoui's ear and whispered something related to the two..

Mr. Myoui pulled away and smiled. "Thank you again for inviting us again. Goodnight Mr. and Mrs. Park, and Minhyuk." Mr. Myoui said before turning to his wife and daughter and left the house.


Minhyuk's Pov

"I didn't know your co-worker's daughter is an idol." I said working on my phone.

"Well yeah. Isn't she cute?" Dad said smirking to me.

"W-Well yeah." I said looking away to hide my blush.

"You know son, why don't you free yourself from that girl?"

"She's happy without you. So why don't you let yourself fall for somebody else?" Dad added as he sat beside on the couch.

"I'm not sure dad. She's the first girl who made me fell hard." I said as my eyes we're getting watery.

"I miss her dad.."


Mina's Pov
As we arrived at home, I rushed upstairs to my room to get change and turn my computer on. I lied on my bed, and reached for my phone beside as it continued vibrating. As I opened my phone, I chuckled as I saw them fighting over Jeong-unnie again.

abunnyfullofherself: You know, that Jeong would pick me over you right?

dancingracoon: Ostrich haven't replied so stfu.

dadjokeseverywhere: I like it better if its NaJeongMo.

iNNOCENT: Ew. You're into threesome?

godamongallofyou: cHOU TzUYU!! wHO TOLd U THat?!

eunhasgirlfriend: yES WHO TOLD U THAT?

nojamdongsaeng: What is Threesome?

iNNOCENT: How come you don't know what threesome is, when you're older than me?

godamongallofyou: Stop sAYING thAT WORD!!


eunhasgirlfriend: what? you unlocked that something from your game?

dancingpenguin: no not that. i just had a family dinner date with minhyuk's.

dadjokeseverywhere: oOOOh, and then what? thats it?

dancingpenguin: it was kind of awkward and he said that im his bias.

iNNOCENT: did you confessed already?

dancingpenguin: why would i confess? i told you guys i just have a tiny crush on him.

abunnyfullofherself: meh. you'll fall for him soon.


hEY. sorry late and a short update. im busy with my school these days and i barely find sometime to write chapter.

and im adding another character inside minhyuk's liFE (lol)

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