In The Air

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Dean opened his eyes, and looked around.

He was lying on the couch in Bobby's house. Everything was the same, not an emppty beer bottle out of place. 

He sat up and cracked his neck. Of course. Just another nightmare. 

He checked the clock. The time 12:08 PM shined up at him in red letters.

"Sam?" He called. He shouldn't have let him sleep this late.

There was no answer.

Dean shuffled sleepily towards the kitchen, "Bobby?"

Where is everyone?


"Yes Dean?"

Dean swung around, only to take a swift step back, finding the angel much to close for comfort.

"Hey Cas. We've talked about this." 

Castiel's brow creased. He took another step forward. "We've talked about what?"

"Uhm." Dean hesitated, "Personal space?"

Castiel took another step forward, now his nose was almost touching Dean's, and Dean could feel Castiel's breath waft against his lips. "Was that a question, Dean?"

The back door opened, Sam coming in with Bobby behind him. He looked up at the two of them, "Oh for Petes sake guys. Get a room."

Castiel smiled and gave a small chuckle.

Dean did a double take. Did Cas, Castiel, angel of the freaking Lord just chuckle?

"Hey Cas, could you help us with the groceries?" Asked Sam, and he Bobby, and Castiel walked out, completely oblivious to Deans confusion.


"What's the happy-haps Deano?" Came a voice from the doorway to the livingroom.

Dean spun around, "Gabriel?!?"

Gabriel conjured up a lollypop, "The one and only." He said, sticking the sweet in his mouth.

"What's happening?"

"Well, you all kind of left everything tied up in a neat little bow. Bobby was dead, Cassie was dead, Sammy was dead, and you were about to blow that popsicle stand away." He lifted his hand to his head and mimed pulling the trigger of a gun.

Dean flinched.

"So I pulled myself out of my safe little pretend-dead-place, conjured up a little pseudo-heaven, and popped you all in."

Dean didn't know what to say. He ran a hand through his hair. 

"Do Sam and Cas know? What about Bobby?"

Gabriel grinned, "Nope. Just you."


Gabriels face turned stony. That was not good. "You're the only one who can handle it Dean. You really think that Sam would go for this? Would Bobby? Or Castiel? No!" He stepped forward, and Dean could feel his huge wings unfurling behind him, "So you're not going to tell them."

Dean ran his hands through his hair again, "Why are you doing this?"

Gabriel gave him a sad, tired smile, and Dean cringed. Gabriel should never ever be making that face. "Because I care. I care Dean. I gave you Castiel, and he you. I gave Sam me. And I gave Bobby his kids."

The back door opened again, the rest of Team Free Will coming in, arms laden with groceries.

Sam looked up at Dean and Gabriel, "Hey guys, a little help?"

Dean swallowed, and looked at Gabriel. Then back at Sam.

Sam put the bag on the counter and came closer, "Hey, you okay?"

Dean smiled.

"Yeah Sam. I'm great."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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