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Harry POV

            Cold. It is so fucking cold. I think my feet are going numb. Three layers of socks and a pair of boots, and you’d think my feet would not be cold. They are. This fucking sucks.

            Jesus, what the fuck? This chick is wearing a life guarding jacket and a pair of khaki shorts. What is she thinking? Is she not cold? It’s below freezing, and she is wearing shorts. Okay.

            “Aren’t you cold?” I shouldn’t have said anything. She just turned to me. 15 minutes until the bus arrives. Now I have to engage in a conversation.

            “No, I’m fine.”

            She’s crazy. Oh my god, she’s staring at me. Stop staring please. Maybe I’ll wait a minute.

            She’s still staring.

            “Do your socks have dinosaurs on them?”



            “Your socks, do they have dinosaurs on them?”

            I shouldn’t reply. I didn’t hear anything.

            “No? They’re dress socks. Dress socks are typically black.”

            “Hm. I should start a company that strictly manufactures men’s dinosaur dress socks.”

            Yep. Serious businessmen would definitely wear those.

            “Did you know the last dinosaur alive was supposedly the triceratops? Well, at least according to ask.com when I looked it up. I’m really into dinosaurs. Wow, dinosaurs lived a long time ago. Like, so long ago. I wonder how long their average lifespan was? I should probably look that up when I get home, along with the wingspan of the Quetzalcoatlus Pteranodon. Pteranodon is the synonym for Pterodactyl, but paleontologists never actually call Pterodactyls by the name of Pterodactyl. They use the name Pteranodon. I learned that last night.

            The average lifespan in North America for a female is 84. Did you know that? That means I have approximately 63 years, 4 months, and 6 days until my estimated death. Death scares me. It’s absolute, and once you’re gone, you’re gone for good. I don’t know what I’m going to do with my time left. It’s kind of terrifying to think about that.”

            Man, this girl is getting into some deep shit, and I’m just looking at my shoelaces. I need new shoelaces.

            “What are you thinking about?”

            “I really need new shoelaces”

            Oh no, I probably shouldn’t have said that. She probably thinks I wasn’t listening to her.

            “You weren’t listening to me to me were you?”

            “Sorry, I wasn’t”

            “It’s ok, I’m used to it”

Shit, now I feel bad.

            “So, are you a life guard?”

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