Ch. 1

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Jesse's P.O.V:


Walking the hallways alone has never been a problem. As long as I kept my hoodie up, I wasn't going to be seen. I kept my head down as I walked, shuffling my feet until I ran into something. I looked up to see the scowling face of Ms. Eskcobar, my math teacher. Crap. The woman was the only adult who absolutely hated me. Probably because I am the only Junior this year to ace her class.

"Mr.Morgan, I know you recall our rules for hats and hoodies in the hallways." She sneered. Ms. Eskcobar was so old fashioned, she still wore skirts and blouses to school. As well as the cliche bun and narrow spectacles. Overall, her appearance was rather intimidating. Mostly because of the ruler she held in her hand.

I slowly tug down my hoodie, letting my mop of blonde hair be free. "Yes Ma'am, won't happen again Ma'am." I speedily apologized. Her eyebrows went up a little, but she turned around and walked away. I sigh loudly. I'm going to have to do a champion speed walk to get to Biology unnoticed.

I just start moving, when I hear a noise that makes my hazel-brown eyes widen in fear. "Omigod!!! JESSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I'd recognize that squealing anywhere. The squealing, of Blair Morton.

Blair and I have been with each other since grade school because of our last names. You might think that because of that, we'd be best friends. Let me tell you, hell to the no. I've never meet a more annoying gossip girl in my life. Not to mention she's unbelievably rude to Sophomores and Freshmen, and sucks up to the Seniors daily. But, lucky me, Blair has been crushing on me ever since the 4th grade.

I slowly turn around and inwardly groan. She's not alone. Flanking her is her two main backups, Hazel Cain, and Alma Benson. Hazel, is always trying to suck up to Blair, and will quite literally do anything for her. Alma is quite, but can throw absolutely wild parties. And if you do get Alma mad, you might want to check every step you make. Because just when you think you can relax, there is a Black Widow spider in your desk.

I grit my teeth while wearing my signature poker face. Blair rushes at me like a football player and throws her arms around me. I immediately start coughing at the amount of perfume she has on. Jesus Christ, my grandmother wears less!

"Are you coming to Alma's party on Friday?!" She bounces up and down, her overly glossed lips stretching into a huge smile. "Yea, are you?" Hazel chimed in, twirling a lock of her curly brown hair. Alma just remained completely poker faced, but she nodded her head when I glanced at her.

"I guess I could make it....." I mutter. "YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!" Blair squeals, cutting me off. Hazel gives me a wide grin, and Alma lowers her eyes under her black bangs. "Do you know what your wearing? I want to match you so we look like twinsies!"

What the hell is a twinsie? Suddenly the bell rings, and the hallways begin to clear out. "Saved by the bell" I mutter, and took off down the hallway.

Classes were pretty much uneventful, and I got out the building before anyone else, threw my backpack in the back seat, and took off down the road. "I really need some personal time." I grumble. My cellphone beeps, and I glance at the text from my dad.


I roll my eyes. Probably another scheme that I have to befriend some random kid so the parents could meet while we were on a 'play date'.


My cellphone beeps again.


I sigh, and chuck my phone into the backseat with the backpack. I glanced at my tank, and saw I needed gas. "Great, a reason to stall coming home."

I made a quick U turn and headed for the gas station, wishing I could get even farther away from everything.


Sooooo, how are we liking the first chapter?! This first chapter is just to give you all a glimpse at all the sadness Jesse is feeling right now. I have some funny idea for the next chapter, so stay tuned for more. Bye now!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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