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Hey hey happy Monday babes! And happy 27th birthday to Scott, my tall blond singing muse. You've created a beautiful, marvellous family by using your voice and being a great human.

Surprise, I guess?

I have so many things I should be doing and then, with PTX tour ending, this fell out of my brain and onto the screen. A bit fluffy, a bit smutty, a bit different for me ( bc throuple) but here, it's yours now.



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Scott pulled his last case from the trunk and waved goodbye to the driver. It had been an amazing tour, the biggest and best so far. Thirty-nine nights, rapturous crowds at every stop, and they'd got through without any serious illness or problems. Echosmith were like fun cousins, great to have around. Calum Scott had become a real friend. They jokingly referred to each other as C-Scott and Scott-Scott or Scott squared, and he loved it.

Matt was an absolute joy, reminding them all of their early career excitement that had grown a little jaded over time. Scott almost forgot that Avi wasn't there. Superfruit did Pride, and as always their fans turned out and showed up. They knew all the words to all the songs and it made him giddy with surprised delight.

And Mitch? He was happy and relaxed and Scott loved spending more time with him. Mitch accepted his hugs and closed the little distance that had grown between them. It was inevitable, he knew. They both had serious partners and they worked so closely together that they had to separate when possible, for the sake of all their relationships.

Scott didn't want to be that separate, not really, but Mitch was glowing and that's what he wanted for his best friend and soulmate.

And one of the highlights was his surprise visit to a convention full of adoring stans, right after a fabulous hometown concert in Dallas. He got to see again how the fandom took Matt to its heart as part of their family. He got to go out for a low-key family dinner with Mark sitting next to him, as part of his family. He got to do what he loved and be loved. But the fatigue settling into his bones told him he'd got to rest, for a while anyway. He pulled all the cases up to his front door and opened it with a sigh. Home at last.

The first thing he noticed was music playing softly. Mason appeared wearing a black tee that showed off his arms, black jeans and an apron that said kiss the chef. So that's what Scott did, melting into strong arms with a deeper sigh. He revelled in the embrace he'd been craving, since Mason visited only a few PTX shows due to work. It had been too long.

"Hello, superstar."

"Hello big boy." Scott stretched forward to capture Mason's lips again, keeping it sweet but meaningful. "I missed you."

Mason broke the kiss. "Let me take your jacket." He pulled the jacket off and hung it, then turned back to Scott. "We have a surprise for you."

Scott grinned as he kicked off his shoes. "I love surprises."

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