Prologue: At the Top of the Hill

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She held my hand that night.  It was souly a pure reminder that after all of this was done and over with, I wouldn't need to worry any more.  I would finally be able to live among happiness within eternity.  Her comforting touch never ceased to amaze my foggy mind.  Through all the rough patches leading up till now, all the absolute bullshit I had to go through just to be standing on this hill top with her, every ounce of the bad stuff now seemed worth it.  In the next few moments I would feel at peace.  Falling into darkness would only be temporary because when I next open my eyes, she'll be staring down at me with that gleaming smile I love so much.  Whatever I left behind in this past life, wouldn't matter anymore because waking up, knowing she is at my side would be the only thing I ever needed anymore.

I wanted her to do it now.  I wanted to feel the quick peircing pain of her fangs sinking deep within my neck, then be wrapped up into the saftey blanket that would be my sleeping consious.  But she told me to wait.  She wanted to spend one more night with me as what I was.  She wanted to see the color radiating in my skin, the vibrancy of my hair, and the life in my eyes.  She wanted to spend one more night with me in my human state.  For this reasoing, I couldn't blame her.  I could only imagine how stunningly georgeous she was before her transformation.  Not to say she wasn't beautiful as she appeared to me now, but my brain often wondered. 

Finally the quiet hours passed of us only looking out into the darkening sky.  The moon rose to it's highest peak and shone a light down upon us that was the brightest and most beautiful I had ever seen.  Like this was a sign that what was happening would result in good fortune for the remaineder of my time.  The both of us soaked in these last few moments.  The last few moments before I died and was reborn.  It was then she turned to me, flashing her million dollar smile that gave me butterflies every time.

"Are you ready Cassandra?"  Her voice was always smooth like velvet and never ceased to sound converned for me, which I thought was cute.  I gave a breif nod, letting a calming smile creep onto my lips.  Yes I was ready.  Of course I was ready!  This was the moment I had been waiting for all these years.  Every day of contemplation.  Every moment of doubt.  Every single second of this human exsistance that was utterly painful.  I had never been more ready than I was right now.  "I need you to know and fully understand, that after I do this, there's no going back.  I can't reverse any of it."

I instantly placed a hand against her's; the one currently holding my one hand.  I shook my head at her to dismiss the warning.  I already knew.  She told me hundreds of times through out my child hood.  She's never let me forget it.  "I know.  But I want this. I need this.  Waking up into my new life will definatly be a challenge, but with you there, I'll get through it."  I could see by the way she absorbed my words, that she took it as the truth and pulled me in closer to her.  Our dresses blew behind us in the chillful wind of this october night, and our bodies melted together like butter.  One arm went to cup my waist, the other gently grabbed one of my wrists.  She held me like this for a few seconds, her crimson eyes seeming to search my face for any doubts I might have.  But since I had none, she continued swaying me.  Her movments relaxed me entirley and suddenly I felt like falling asleep.  Exaustion pulled at my body.  It was like all the stress and hateful feelings that were ever build up inside of me finally let go of their hold and I felt so much lighter, but the effort of realization left me tired.

She leaned my backwards, her lean body over mine.  Her lips traced a line from my shoulder to my collarboe, to the specific area she wanted to mark me at.  I anticipated the extension of her mouth and envisioned the sharpness of her fangs, at the ready to peirce me.  But at that same second, we were both startled by a rustling near by.  I felt both our concentrations disapate into thin air, and she nearly dropped me but grabbed the hem of my top before the ground could meet me.  She pulled me upright and we stared off to the bottom of the hill toward the expanse of trees beyond.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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