Medic x Reader (Fluff?)

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( Y/N - Your Name )  alright have fun

You were in a rush, heading to medic's house...But you were 10 minutes late and you knew Medic would be upset on you...

- 10 minutes later -

You get to Medic's house. His house was really big, it was a mansion! A REALLY big mansion! You stood up there with your jaw dropped and looking surprisingly at the house... " Y/N ! " You heard a voice coming from your back, it was Medic! You turn around and smile awkwardly approaching him. "Medic!! Hello! " Your expression changed into a worried one. "I-Im really sorry for being late! The bus was so slow and-" Medic suddenly pulled you closer to him, putting his finger on your lips. "Shhhh...~ It is nothing my zear, at least youre here now.." He blushes slightly and smiles while you look surprised at him and blushing deeply red.

-------------------------------------------------- Your POV ---------------------------------------------------------

I apologized to Medic for being late, he suddenly pulled me closer to him. My heart was racing and I felt like my face was about to melt. He was pressing my chest against his, this was so embarrassing ! ... While I was looking away, I took a little peek at his face...He was blushing...It was pretty cute...


As I was looking at his face, he started blushing even more and let go of me. "Vh-Vhat am I doing, I am zo zorry! I joudnt have done zat! " (Jesus, imitating Medic is kinda hard tbh, I cant even understand the way he speaks) He smiles awkwardly, looking at you. "C-Come on! Im gonna show ya zhe house!" He takes me by the hand, leading me to his mansion. Wow! How much money does this guy have? :)))) While walking, I saw a big garden with beautiful roses...Red...And...White! "You like roses? I should have known zhat! Vait here!" Medic rushes to the garden and takes a rose, rushing back to me. "Here...I vant you to keep zhis!" I look at the rose and then at him, smiling and blushing a little bit. "Thank you, Medic...Thats-" He interrupted me. "Ludwig...Call me Dr. Ludwig." He smiles and I smile back. "Okay then...Thank you again, Dr Ludwig." I give him a kiss on the cheek, going towards the door as he stands up there with a surprised expression and blushing. "Man...Shes such a sveetheart!"


have zhis

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have zhis

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