"One giant, stiff, bone body man."

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The white desks in the open plan work-space reflected the LA sunlight from the big windows.

"Am I... at Buzzfeed?" Zach thought suspiciously. Some desks were empty, but most filled with hardworking editors, writers and many more. But was he doing there? It's not his place of work anymore... His thought were cut by a vicious laugh he heard from behind. He slowly turned around, horrified by the situation. His former boss stood right there, cracking up, almost rolling on the floor.

Shocked, he grabbed the closest object as weapon. "Hey! It's mine!" Devon said in rage. Zach looked down at his hands and was holding a framed photograph of Devon, her boyfriend and her two cats. "Sorry Devon, my bad." He shrugged and returned the picture to where it was to begin with. "So you really think you can make it out there? Without me, without Buzzfeed, You're nothing!" He said firmly. "Too bad Ned's kid will have to live in the streets when you fail... Oh, also I heard Becky and Kieth are expecting! Two kids living in the street. That's a shame... But you know what's worse?" He said with a pathetic voice. "What?" Zach whispered angrily. "That you won't ever have a child! When was the last time you had a relationship? Maybe you should just give up. No one will want you. even if they will, i'ts probably for your money. Which you don't have..." He laughed.

"Thats BS! We got four million subscribers in a couple of months!" Zach defended the company, yet this battle felt very weird. "Oh, four millions? That's nice. NOT. Do you now how many subscribers BuzzFeed has? Twenty four. That's six times more." He stated. "I know how to do math." Zach responded. "Oh really? I'm surprised. Why you ask? Because you suck. You're not smart, not good looking, and you're such a shortie... So yeah, I was surprised you can divided twenty four by four." He nodded.

"I don't understand why I'm still standing here listening to you!" He yelled and began running towards the exit. "You suck!" the sentence kept playing in his head, as his formed co-workers laughed at him. As he got to the hallway the doors passed, as if it was endless. As he ran in the endless corridor, he felt water drops falling from his forehead, as if it was melting, or something licking it.

His chest was sweaty as his eyes quickly opened up. His face was wet indeed wet and soon he noticed his dog Bowie with a happy face right next to him. He sighed. "Bowie... It's the third time this week you're waking me up..." He said tiredly and stroked Bowie's long, soft fur. He glanced at his alarm clock. It was 3:50 AM, and Zach already knew there is no taste trying to go back to bed; His autoimmune disease won't let him. Slowly but surly he got up, then made his way to the kitchen. It was still a little dark outside, but that was already a part of his routine. "Maybe I should start closing the door at night so Bowie can't come in" He thought. He opened the cabinet to get himself a tea bag. He reached for the first one he could find. He went to boil some water, then sat by the table and waited. His phone was charging, so he unplugged it and went through his notifications. Then Keith sent him a message that might change everything...


This was the first episode of Zach 365! I hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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