My Wish

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There are two things in my mind about the party, which is, I really want the party to happen but I know that if my parents are aware of my plan they will never be in a support of it soo I have to stop it. It's been 2 years now my mum and dad are in India I really miss them I wish there are here with me sooo as to stop the party from happening.
Oh God please answer my prayer I really don't want mum and dad to be angry with me and mercy and Sofia really want me to throw the party.

In school During break.
Emily Is thinking of the lies she will tell her friends about the party.

Emily :mercy, Sofia I can't throw a party in my house is not possible..
Sofia :what happened!!
Emily :cause my parents are coming tomorrow morning oo I'm  really sorry cause I know how u looked forward to see the party.
Sofia :OMG are you serious what da *** that's soo sad to hear
Mercy : waaaaaaaat do you know how I prepared for the party to happen now this parents of yours are gonna ruin the plan I have.
I just kept quiet and watched mercy blabbing about the party I know that mercy is pretty mean and rude sometimes. because she's rich and famous she's also the only child of her parents, which gives her the right to do what ever she likes.
My mum have warned me countless times to stay away from mercy and Sofia. Soo she wouldn't be happy to see me throwing a party in her house with the person she hates. I really like mercy because she's the famous girl in the school, most of the time I sit down and wishes that I can be as famous as mercy. But she's also a spoit brat.
I just wish mom and Dad will be back tomorrow....
I miss mom soo much

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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