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I hated school, I only went because I had to. I was in the band room after school when it happened, I found my Mate. I don't understand why I didn't figure it out that morning during rehearsal, then I remember that he wasn't at rehearsal because he had orchestra. He smelled like mint and leather and it was heavenly.

I went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turns around and looks down at me before realizing who I am.

" Yes?" he asks, leaning down a bit so he can hear me better.

" Um.... you're.....you're my...mate..." I say nervously, blushing and wanting to hide.

" I know, I've known for a year, I just couldn't tell you. " He replies.

" Oh right.," I say, still blushing.

" Well I have to get to play rehearsal soon, why don't you write down your number and I will text you when we are done," he says, checking his watch.

" Oh! What's the date today?' I ask

" It's the 24th," he says, a questioning look on his face.

"Oh, I have to be at rehearsal for spotlights today," I say quickly.

" Well, still give me your number afterward, okay?' He asks.

" Okay."

After that, we split off and I go up into the spotlight balcony and he goes backstage.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip to After Rehearsal~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I quickly climb down the ladder of the balcony and run through the house, through the wing doors, and then into the back room. I ask someone where Abe was and he was in the orchestra room, changing. I wait patiently for a few minutes before he comes out.

"Hello, Alex," he says.
"Hi, " is my only response.
"You need my number still." He says, pulling his phone from his pocket, handing it to me. It was unlocked already so I opened up his contacts and added my number under 'Alex' after handing him my unlocked phone.

" Do you go right home after this?" Abe asks, handing me my phone back. I nod, handing his back.

" I need to pick up a few things while I'm in town but after that maybe I could swing by your house and meet your parents." He says.

" Sure, though I'll have to tell them," I say, blushing.

" Well I will text you when I'm almost done with my shopping and then you can text me your address. How does that sound?" he asks.

" Okay." I blush more.

We start walking out into the parking lot, hugging before we split up.

"Oh, and Alex, you might want to start packing so we can move in together sooner." He says as he walks away to his car."

I get in my car and drive home telling my parents about Abe then going to my room to pack.

I had just finished packing most of my clothes when the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs, reaching the door before my mom did. Abe was standing there, hands behind his back, waiting.

" Hey, Abe," I say, stepping out onto the porch.

" Hello," he says awkwardly. I hug him, catching him by surprise.

After a few seconds, I let him go. We walk inside and he takes his shoes off, and we walk into the kitchen where my mom is. She turns around hearing our footsteps.

" Hello, you must be Abe." She says, extending a hand.

"Yes, ma'am." He says, shaking her hand.

"Well, dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes," Mom says.

We leave the kitchen and go up to my room, where there are a few boxes laying on the floor. He awkwardly sits on my bed, not really sure what to do. I sit next to him.

" I was almost finished packing when you showed up," I say.

" Oh? Well, what else do you need to do, I'll try to help and we can put it in my car and leave after dinner," he says.

" It's just a few shirts, " I answer quietly.

We finish getting me packed up and take all of the boxes out to his car, barely fitting them all in the back. We go inside just as dinner is getting finished. Abe is introduced to my dad, who surprisingly approves. After dinner, we say goodbye to my parents and head out to his car.

" It's pretty late, you should try and sleep a little, it's an hour drive to my house." He says, turning the radio on very low. I curl up in the seat and fall asleep.

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