Chapter 9

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I got you on my mind

Chapter 9

Adam stayed the night that day, she never came to pick them up, she sent him a message saying that she is not coming.

He slept in Aiden's room, they both seemed so happy together; Like a teenage crush.

"Ms. Russo, good afternoon" Matteo said walking to my desk putting some files that need to be checked.

"Good afternoon Mr. Romano" I gave him a small smile taking the documents from where he placed them.

"if you are done with your work, I would like to speak to you in my office please." I shook my head opening my mouth to speak but stopped when I felt my head spinning, clutching the documents harder in my hands.

"Alex, are you ok?" He walked around the desk and put his hand on my shoulder spinning my chair so we were face to face.

"My head hurts badly and I can't see clearly " I tried calming my breathing but I started seeing black dots instead.

"Alex look at me, I'm taking you to the hospital" he picked me up bridal styles.

"James, get my car from the parking lot." He yelled out, his security guard, James, ran to the fire exit running down the stairs, I looked up at Matteo, he looked panicked and sweating.

"I think I am going to be sick, feel like throwing up."

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"Lex, Alex come on... wake up."

"When will she wake up?"

"She will awake soon Aiden."

I opened my eyes slowly coming face to face with Aiden, I let out a startled scream from the fright of how close he was to my face.

"What the hell happened?" I looked at the both of them and then at the EKG machine that was giving me a headache from the beeping.

"You started sweating, you felt dizzy and you had trouble breathing so I brought you to the hospital and also puked a little on my shirt. You fainted in the car, you were talking one minute about feeling nauseous and the next you were out cold" Matteo explained looking at me from the chair he was sitting on.

"Do they know why it happened?" They both nodded and looked at each other.

"I will call your doctor and he will tell you everything." Aiden left the room to call the doctor and I was left with Matteo.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here." I gave him a small smile and he returned it.

The minute Doctor O'banion walked in the room with Aiden, Matteo's phone went off meaning he had to leave to work for an emergency.

"I should really go, I had a big meeting an hour ago that I delayed and the other CEO can't wait anymore, I hope you get better Alex and congratulations." He gave me a small smile and walked out of the room before I could say anything.

"Miss Russo how are you feeling? Are you still feeling nauseous or out of breath?" He stood at the head of my bed checking the IV they were giving me.

I gave him a tired smile "Hey uncle James, I'm feeling much better than I did before"

"You had low blood sugar and your PH is very low too. but there is another reason why it happened so suddenly" I looked up at him confused.

"Aiden can you please give us a moment, I would like to speak with Alex alone" he nodded his head and went out the room.

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