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Brooklyn's POV:

It's your typical Wednesday morning. I'm sitting in the school hall reading Paper Towns by John Green. The thing with me and books is that I can read them within a few hours. The quickest I've read one was an hour and a half. Most teenagers would go out partying and drinking, that's their thing. I'd rather stay in with a cup of tea and biscuits and read a good book. My nickname is Bucky, it represents my love for books and name at the same time. It's better than my real name.

"Hey baby" I look over and see it's Courtney and Ryan just arriving on the other table. Courtney Collins is the most popular girl in school. Ever guy falls at her feet when they first see her. Ever since she's been dating Ryan she's become a bit sweeter than she usually was. I used to be best friends with her. We got on very well actually. Then one day the fame and fortune got to her head, so I stopped being friends with her.

Then there's Ryan. He's the most popular guy in school, and every girl fall at his feet when they first see him. When I was younger I used to have the biggest crush on him. That soon changed when he turned out to be the most horrible person you could meet. Him and Courtney are a perfect match for each other.

"Ryan, we need to talk." I over heard Courtney say to Ryan and watched all their friends start to leave.

"Babe, you don't need to make them leave, whatever you need to tell me you can say in front of my friends." Ryan said laughing with one of them.

"We need to break up." I could see that Ryan felt so embarrassed when she said the words 'break up'

"Courtney, is this some sick joke?" I could see the look in her eyes that she was serious.

"No, I'm being serious, I'm sorry Ryan, I just can't do this anymore, like I said I'm sorry."

"Did you do this on purpose? To embarrass me in front of my friends?"

"You said I could say whatever I wanted to in front of them." Ryan looked like he was about to cry, as much as I hate him I do feel sorry for the poor guy.

Courtney started to walk away when Ryan shouted something that nobody wanted to hear.

"Oh by the way Court, I was seeing Lily for 4 months." He said while putting his arm around Lily, With that she ran over to him slapped his face and said "It's okay, I can get anyone I want." And flipped her long, blonde straight hair in his face.

Everyone started to cheer, and shouted "COURTNEY COURTNEY" and clapped their hands. All her friends followed her over to her new table.

"Oh sorry Lily, you're not wanted here." That's when everyone knew the bitch was back.

A/N~ Hello guys this is my new book, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing it. If you liked the little teaser please follow for more. Please vote and comment! Thank you! :)
Yours truly becs <3

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