Chapter 2

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The drive to Noah's house isn't that long but it still gives me time to get more worked up about my mom leaving and having to stay with Savannah and Dylan. I get out of the car and knock on the door waiting for someone to answer. "Oh my gosh, Emra it's been so long since I've seen you!" Lili says as she answers the door. "Come on Lili don't make my best friend stand outside all night." I hear Noah yell from the kitchen. "Yeah right, Noah, like I would make her stand outside all night. Come on Emra not that you really need much of an invitation." "There's my beautiful best friend. How was school today? Did we do anything important?" Noah says as I walk into the kitchen to give him a hug. " And there's my handsome best friend. School was miserable like it always is without you and you know I zone out but as far as I know nothing important came up." " You two are so cute I wish that my brother would grow a pair and ask you out already," Lili says as she walks into the kitchen overhearing our conversation. What Lili doesn't know is that Noah is gay. He told me about two years ago but still hasn't worked up the courage to tell his family. "Um ignore Lili. You've gotta stop zoning all the time Emra especially at school. I'll be at school on Monday and it won't be as bad, speaking of school, did you get my work for me?" "Uh yeah but it's still in my car I forgot to get it when I came in, my mind has been elsewhere." "I've seen you scatterbrained but never this bad is everything okay?" "Mom just told me that she has to go on a month long business trip in about a week." "So who are you staying with while she goes on this trip?" "She said I'm staying with Savannah and Dylan." "Momma Sav, heck yeah but really. You have to spend a month with her devil of a son Dylan." "Yup that's what I told her but she doesn't really care. Let's just get on with the night I didn't mean to make tonight dark. I missed you at school today and it's been a while since we saw Lili so let's get happy and have a good time we'll worry about this after Lili goes back, okay?" "Of course Em we can wait. I love you!" "I love you, Noah, thank you for everything." We ate pizza and joked around all night. After we got done eating the pizza we went to the couch to watch a movie. I sat down after picking out the movie and Noah came back into the living room with my favorite blanket of his and sat down next to me. I instinctively snuggle up to Noah. It's what we do when other is sad, we bring them their favorite item of ours and then we cuddle up where ever they are. We started doing it when my dad left my mom and me and we've been doing it ever since. We're about halfway through the movie when Lili gets up saying that she needs to get to bed. "So you're staying with Savannah and Dylan while your mom goes on her business trip?" "Yeah, I'm not really looking forward to spending all that time, Dylan. I just don't get him. We were really good friends and then my dad left and then Dylan changed and he started treating me terribly. I still like to think that the Dylan I grew up with is still in there somewhere but I don't know if I'll ever get to see that side of him again." "I get it Emra. I remember him before your dad left and the person he is today isn't the same person he was before your dad left and I know how much you miss that Dylan." "Yeah. Can we go to bed I'm kinda tired and today has been a long day?" The next thing I know Noah is waking me up telling me that it's time to get up. "Holy cow Noah why'd you let me sleep to noon?" "I figured that you need the sleep so I just let you sleep but your mom started calling. I answered the first time and she just hung up and she kept doing that so I think you need to call her." "I will," I say as I pull him into a hug. "Thank you, Noah, for everything really. For staying with me through my dad leaving and all the craziness that comes with my life. I love you and I can't imagine my life without you." "You're welcome Emra and I can't imagine what I would have done without you either. Let me know when you make it home safely please?" "Of course I will Noah, I know how much you worry."

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