Chapter 1

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Beyonce P.O.V.

I was sitting in the room when jay come in.

Hi bey can I talk to you about something jay said

Sure I said

I know you always been a good girl but lately your attitude has gotten out of hand said Jay

I looked down cuz I knew he was right that's why I talk to your mother and she said I should punish you but I said no because it's your first time jay said

I grasp what I heard this time

So your mother told me to make a list of rules to make sure this doesn't happen anymore also I made a list of punishments if you break any of the  rules. Say jay z

I nodded

the rules are 1 no talking back after you give a Direction 2 no attitude 3 no cursing 4 no smoking  5 no drinking with out  permission 6 always say yes ma'am or no ma'am or yes sir or no sir if you break either of these rules your punishment will be  spanking jay said

I grasp when I heard that.

Do you understand bey jay said

Yes but then I remembered what the rules had said and corrected my self amd said yes sir

Good now I know this is not new to you because your mom (Tina) told me.

I lowered my head in embassment

Also she told me to tell you to be ready when she come and get you because she said she will handled the thing with your attitude and she said she be here in 5 mins

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