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  Max POV

"Oh come on Max! You have to come!" Nikki whined from besides me, god was she annoying.

"Fuck off Nikki, I already told you I'm not going-" "Come on! Everyone's going, even Spacekid! And he's a freaking loser!" I laughed a little.

"I'm really not going if he's there-he's Freshman and you know that party is going to be filled with hundreds of those freshys...." I really didn't want to go-High school party's blow big time.

I'd rather be back at Camp then at one of those party's, and plus I have plans.

I got the house all to my house-I could watch all the cable porn I wanted! Nikki rolled her eyes at me "But think about everyone that WILL be there-like Erid and she's a total babe," She commented.

"Pfft no way! She's total trailer park trash!" Nikki gasped; clearly offended I insulted her girl crush "Well-Max I'll have you know her dads are special FBA agents! So suck on that bitch!"

I rolled my eyes "No thanks, I'm not gay so.." I trailed off. Nikki gave me a the 'Oh really?' Look, "What?!" I hissed.

"You don't think I'm gay do you?" I asked; truthfully I wasn't gay, straight as a fucking ruler! I just don't want Nikki questioning my masculinity y'know?

"Of course not, Mr. 'Cable Porn'" She said crossing her arms-"How the hell do you know I watch cable porn?" I asked ready to punch a hoe.

"I have my ways...and I'll tell everyone at school unless you go to this party!"

Blackmail? Real low Nikki, I rolled my eyes spitting on my hand before holding it out.

"Deal...but I'm gonna be a sarcastic asshole the whole time-" Nikki spit on her hand shaking mine "Like you aren't always one already!"

"Fuck off...anyways when and where's the party?" I asked still dreading the idea of going to a party.

"Party starts at 9'o clock, the house is on Neil's street; Preston's house-see you then!" She said right as her mom arrived to pick her up at the gates of school.

I thought about what she said, to top of my hate for party's this one happens to be hosted by the most annoying person I know:

Preston Goodplay. God even his name makes me annoyed! I know he knows I hate him; I make it very clear. Whenever he walks into a room I groan as loud as I can and complain about him loudly not caring if he hears.

Hell, he hates me too. Back when he was taller than me (meaning: yes I am now taller than the theatre freak himself) he would flick me on the forehead every time I passed him in the hallway.

It got so bad I had a small bruise on my forehead at the end of the week, but anyways I'm getting off topic.

Let's get back to the story before the writer gets writers block....wait what?

After about fifteen minutes my foster parent; David finally showed up in his mini van even though I was his only kid.

I hopped in the front seat throwing my backpack in the back, not caring if anything broke inside.

David shot me a small glare "Take more care of your thinks Maxie!"

I almost gagged at the new nickname, "Ew-never call me that again, please!"

I saw him smile at my reaction "Okay son," He said as we pulled up into the driveway of our apartment complex.

We found a parking spot on the street and got out the car, I took out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram before David interrupted my flow.

"Your book bag Max!" He said holding my backpack, I groaned and grabbed it by the strap, letting it drag on the floor.

I could sense David getting mad-and I smirked. I was seeing how far I could push him until he snapped as a parent.

It's bound to happen; my first family snapped so what's stopping David?

David walked besides me picking up my backpack and slinging it over his shoulder.

"This is how you hold a backpack, son" He said eyeing me; I examined his eyes and to my surprise didn't see any sign of him cracking.

He's going to take a lot of my bullshit to crack, it's cool I'm always up for a challenge!

Once we made it to our door he pulled out a key and unlocked the door, once it was opened he held it open for me, I mumbled a thanks before walking straight to my room.

I closed the door and kicked off my shoes, I started planning my outfit for the party.

Hell, who am I impressing it's a shitty high school party! I threw a yellow shirt and loose jeans onto the bed.

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, once I got out and changed it was a mere 3:30 I had all the time in the world.

I lied onto my bed when I got a text from Nikki.

Nikki.http: HELP!!

I rolled my eyes before replying

Fuck_off: What?

Nikki.http: Do me a favor PLEASE!!!!

I groaned "What the hell Nikki?" I muttered to myself.

Fuck_off: The hell do you need, get to the point..

Nikki.http: Can you please convince Neil to give us a ride to the party because I really don't wanna walk! ;-(

Fuck_off: Ill see what I can do....

Nikki.http: EEK! Tysm!!!

I cringed at her text a bit, she really has been spending to much time with Sasha and them. I reluctantly scrolled to my contacts for Neil.

Fuck_off: Give Nikki and me a ride to the party or I tell Harrison you like him.

Thats.incorrect: ...I'll pick you two up at your house at 9:40

Fuck_off: Its been a pleasure doing business with you sir!

Thats.Incorrect: Eat a dick!

I laughed to myself before taking a screenshot of the conversation and sending it to Nikki.

Nikki.http: Your the best! I'll be at your house in ten to get ready see you then asshole!

Hey! Thank you guys so much for reading the intro to this book! I hope you guys give it a chance, who knows you might even be surprised at what comes next chapter 😉


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