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"How did you lose her again?" Sam yelled angrily. "I'm sorry, I didn't see that she ran the other direction, I thought she was with me." Sal cried. Sam sighed disappointingly. Jack squinted and looked off into the distance. "I see them! There coming this way!" Amy and Cameron limped toward them. Cameron had Amy's plaid shirt tied around his stomach and Amy was wearing a white tank top. Cameron had several bite marks across his arms and a deep bite on his neck. Sal jumped up and ran to them. Chocho yipped excitedly. "Are you two ok?" Sam asked. "I'm ok, but he's been shot. Do we have any extra medical supplies?" "No, and we can't risk going back into the city. What happened?" Sal asked. "What Do you think happened? He got shot." Amy answered. "No, I mean the bite marks." "Uh... Chocho did that." "Perhaps I can help you!" Some said excitedly. She was a few feet away from them and had made no noise until then. "How long have you been there?" Sam asked. She wore a sweater and khaki pants and her parts of her face had been replaced by skin colored leather. Her teeth were jagged, her brown hair dirty but straight and her eyes deep blue. "I've been here for a couple of minutes now. If you need help, it can be found at the freak show!" She announced. "Do you have medical supplies?" Sal asked. The lady thought for a minute before the large, toothy grin returned to her face. "Yes, we do!" "What's your name?" Sam asked. "My name is Gek! It was the name given by a previous visitor of the freak show. I think he spoke a different language." "Well, lead the way Gek." Sam replied. Gek happily lead them toward the group of tents that had been almost unseeable due to their brownish color. "Most of the other guests don't come outside." Gek announced as they approached the camp. "It's only been two days and this stuff is happening? The world went to shit faster than I thought it would." Sam muttered. "You guys with your being a robot, cannibalism, and scars and missing eye will fit you in perfectly!" The sounds of piano playing echoed through the camp. The path through the tents was completely empty. "I'll take you people to the local doctor immediately. He's right here in this tent. Gek pulled the flap of the tent up and motion for everyone to go inside. "Who have you brought me this time, Gek?" The doctor asked. "I got the ones Dam was going after." Gek whispered loudly. Toby grinned widely before frowning. "Well then we need to get out of here. I can bandage them up, but the rest  of the freaks will catch on, and we obviously don't want that." Just then, one of the tents bursted into fire. The fire quickly spread to their tent. "Holy shit! Everyone! Get out of the tent!" Toby shoved everyone out of the tent and back onto the path. Another tent exploded with fire as something smashed into the roof of it. "We're under attack! We need to get out of here. We should warn the rest!" Gek yelled over the crackling of flames. "There's no time. I'll create a distraction, you take them and escape. There's no time." Toby ran off the opposite direction, grabbing a burning plank of wood and waving it in the air as he exited the camp. Gek lead them the opposite direction as flames licked up the cloth tents on either side of them. The piano had stopped playing and the streets were filled with deformed creatures that looked as if they could have once been human. All of them had streaks of black fluids leaking from their mouths and their eyes were completely black. They slowly started chasing them as they passed. They reached the edge of the camp when the ringleader of the freak show came out of one of the tents. His legs and arms were elongated and stretched and he wore a black suit and tie. The fluids completely covered his face and had hardened into the shell. He stretched his arms out and grabbed Amy and pulled her closer to him. She struggled and he squeezed harder. Sal pulled out her gun. "Don't! You could risk shooting her, and that's a risk we can't take." Sam shoved Sal over. He brought her closer to his face. Amy slammed her feet into his face and it cracked and began to crumble. The dust of his remains were swept into the wind. Amy fell from his hands to the ground. The infected freaks continued to walk toward them. Sal unloaded into the crowd. One of them leaped up to the top of one of tents and leaped at Sal. She jumped out of the way and it landed on Jack. It had no eyes and its skin was grey and smooth and its mouth took up most of its face. It began to bite into the first thing it could get its hands on, His hands. It bit into them, slicing off fingers and biting into the nubs of flesh as it shortened and shortened. One second he was on him, the next second he was off. A gunshot sent all the infected running back into the camp. The creature was missing the entire top half of his head. It slumped over and collapsed onto the ground. Jack screamed at what little hands he had left. The figure in the distance grabbed something before walking away and grabbing it behind them.

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