Chapter 1. We'll Always Be More Than Just Friends

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*Katie's POV*

He got on stage and started to sing, all the time looking at me.

" Isn't she lovely

Isn't she wonderful

Isn't she precious

Less than one minute old

I never thought through love we'd be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn't she lovely made from love"

He stopped singing and smiled. I practically ran up the stage stairs and he picked me up and span me round and round. Then he put me down and kissed me gently on the forehead. "Without you, this would never have happened. I would never have had the guts to sign up. But you gave me that courage. Thank you."

I felt a hand on my shoulder, shaking it. I stirred and turned over. My shoulder shook again.

"Come on Kat, wake up sweetie." A voice said. I groaned and batted the hand away. The unknown voice chuckled.

"Kat, come on, I know your awake." I sighed, giving up and letting my eyes open, to reveal my best friend, Harry. I have known him since the day we were both born: the 1st February 1994. His mum and mine went to school together and were best friends. They did everything together. They even gave birth together. In the same room. 20 minutes apart. He's older.

"Haz, I love you with all my heart, but it's..." I broke off and looked at my clock. "3am!"

He sighed. "Can I get in?"

"Sure." I said kindly, lifting the duvet and making room for him. He laid down, facing me and smiled. I smiled back, still half asleep.

"I'm really nervous." He said shyly.

"About what?" I replied, a puzzled look on my face.

"You don't remember?"

"Should I?"

"Yes! What date is it today?" he asked kindly.

"Saturday." I replied.

" No Kat, what DATE is it today?"

"Erm, the 11th of April. SHIT it's the 11th of April!"

He laughed. "Yeah, Kat."

"Um, okay. Shit, now I'm panicking." I said frantically, trying to get out of bed, when Harry stopped me and pushed my head back onto the pillow.

"Calm down, Kat. We have half an hour before we have to leave. Oh, and I have something for you."

"Ooh, a present!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled at my excitement. "Give me one minute." He got up and walked out of my bedroom door and into the room next door: his. A few minutes later, I heard three knocks on the wall, telling me he was coming back in. I knocked four times in response and giggled as I remembered the code we made when we were little:

One knock: Are you awake?

Two knocks: Come in to my room.

Three: Can I come in?

Four: Yes.

Five: No.

And, as we got older: Six: Are you decent?

He came back in, hands behind his back, hiding something from me.

"Close your eyes." He ordered. I did as I was told and put my hands over my eyes. "Okay, open."

I peeled away my hands. In front of me, Harry was holding up an I *heart* Harry Styles t-shirt. The heart was filled with a picture of us at our 16th birthday party.

"Oh my God Haz! It's so cute!" I screamed.

"Yep! And the good news is, you get to wear it today! The bad news is, so does my mum."

I laughed.

"Okay, I'll leave you to change." I blushed when I realised he was just in his Calvin Klein's. He laughed and went back into his room. I heard him humming to himself. I smiled and pulled off my baseball shirt and shorts and slid on the t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and white Converse. I was brushing my hair when I heard three knocks. I knocked four times in reply. My door swung open. I laughed: we were wearing the same! His top was blank though, so I slipped a scarf over his head and added a grey cardigan.

"You ready to go?" He asked smiling.

"Yep all good." I replied, picking up my phone and make up.

"Uh no." Harry said grabbing my make-up and putting it back on my stand. "You're beautiful without it."

I blushed and looked at the floor.

"Let's go." He said kindly, his hand snaking round my waist. I nodded and we headed downstairs to our mum's looking back at us, smiling. I headed over to my mum and kissed her on the cheek.

"Bye mum. See you in a few days."

"Yes bye love. Bye Anne. Good luck Harry." She said.

"Bye Amanda." They replied.

"Oh, and Harry?" she said, grinning.


"Look after Katie for me won't you?"

"Always." he replied.

"Good. Right, you should be going, don't want to be late!"

We nodded and went out to the car. I climbed in the back next to Harry and yawned.

"Tired?" he said, his voice soothing me. I nodded. "Go to sleep then."

I put my head on his shoulder and tried to close my eyes. They didn't want to.

"Kat, we both know you can't sleep sat up. Remember the night of our birthday?" he said. I giggled at the memory of that night and laid my legs across the back seat, resting my head on Harry's lap. He stroked my hair and I slowly drifted off, thinking about what was to come.

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