Untitled Part 1

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Stars ignite, embellishing the inked velvet sky. Breeze caressing my cheek with its smooth and gentle, while my eyes focusing the scene above me. "Noctem," Solis mind linked me. "Time to go." I stood up, leaving the piece of art created by nature behind. Strolling to the house, I see him putting on his coat. "Where are you going?" I questioned. He didn't respond, walked out the door and fly off. I decide to follow him. I leap out the window, dissolving myself into the silence. Not far away, I spotted a boy with golden hair floating in the dark. "Solis," I all but shouted. "Where are you going?" I waved my arms, pushing the air back, giving my body the flow to fly faster. "Just follow," he said. I shut my mouth and fly with him. He started lowering his height to the ground. I copied his actions. Climbing on a tall block for a better view, I awed the image surrounding me. Golden light shines from a ball attached to a pole, lining in straight rows on a street. Various blocks stood firmly with transparent slices sticking to it. The voice of humans echoed by my ear, chatting and laughing. I landed off the block we're standing on as Solis followed. "See that group of blocks with orange lids?" his finger pointing to a direction. "That's called "school", where humans gather and learn things." I nodded, trying to remember the term. "That's where we'll be staying."  

Surprise went through my body like an electric current. My eyes widened as I speak with shocked, "Wait, Solis - I mean, you sure we're staying? Can't we just -" "Yes we are, and no we're not going back." he stated in a stern voice, making an eye contact that makes me shiver. I never saw him that serious before.... What's wrong with him? I mentally speak to myself. I took peeked at him. Sharp jawline with a golden hair, making his lush eyes stand out. His eyes turned back to its original jade, softening his gaze. "I mean, yes we are because it's our command from father. We have to obey him, don't we?" he said, facing me. Dark olive irises piercing through mine, as if reading my thoughts. "Ok then..." I replied, hesitantly. "Good." he didn't say anything else, just stare off. I did the same thing. "New life, huh...." I said to myself. "Yeah....." he replied. Opening my bedroom door, I lie down and sink into the soft mattress. Drowsiness overcame me while I drift away.

________________________________________________________________________________Yeah sorry guys I know this is short, it will be longer next time (I promise!)

so this is a simple intro to the setting and our characters, hope you enjoy !

- Greece 

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