Authors Note

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Okay so i found something i though was kinda funny but not part of the book anyways here it is.

Ah, the Jeff Formula. It's so devoid of effort and originality, and leads to such homogeneous characters. Like the Bloody Painter, for example. Don't believe me? Well, let's get drawing, and Riff this bitch so I can prove it.

This is Helen, 14 years old.

Can we have a 15 year old Jeff knockoff? Please? Just to do something different?

His dark circles

Wait, he? Helen's a guy? His parents must really hate him if they name him Helen.

feel as if he has never slept enough. He doesn't care about his messy black hair, since he doesn't like to put too much effort on tidying himself up; it's unnecessary.

I'm probably going to be saying the same about this story later.

His seat is at the back of the classroom, next to the window; he always sits there drawing quietly, as it is like everything to him. He doesn't like to socialize with people, making him a lonely one.

"The Lonely One," coming soon from Lifetime.

There was a person being pushed to the floor after school.

That's Tom, who is always the victim of bullying, not because he did anything before, it's just the dislikes of people around him. These things happen often, and Helen is used to it. Though he does feel bad for Tom, he doesn't want to interfere, as it is quite bothersome.

Screw helping people! That's just bothersome.

During recess, Judy

Who the hell is Judy?

says she's missing her watch as she searches for it. Helen doesn't help her, since it's none of his business.

Suddenly, someone sees something flashing in Helen's bag. "What's this?"

(Helen): The souls of the innocent.

Ban says, as he puts his hand into the bag, and takes out a watch that is trimmed with fake diamonds. Helen is very surprised to see it, as he does not know how it got there. "Ah! That's my watch!" Judy receives the watch from Ban after seeing the situation. Both of them stare at Helen with a weird glare. "It's not me," says Helen, who is still drawing on his notebook without raising his head a bit. "Yeah right," Judy leaves the classroom with Ban as she concludes.

Silly question time: Who is Ban, and what kind of name is Ban? It's almost as stupid as Liu.

The following day, as usual, Helen sits at his table drawing. She

Ok, can Helen make up his/her mind about his/her gender?

notices that the atmosphere doesn't feel right around him; people start whispering about him, and even a few starts calling him a "Thief". He decides not to explain for himself, as he knows that it's useless to do so. As time passes, Helen becomes the new target or victim for people to bully; everything he does now is being exaggerated.

(Helen): -stands up-

(Bully): That asshole's standing up! He's going to take over the school!

He doesn't like it, but he doesn't resist. He keeps the feelings in his heart, keeping silent. Until one day, Ban came to him and snatched his notebook, with his unfinished drawings on it. "Always doing these meaningless things." Says Ban as he tears down a few pages of drawings, tearing them into pieces, wanting to see Helen's reaction. At this rate, the feelings that he has been holding bursts out. He punches Ban in the face,

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