Chapter Three

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"Boo!" A man popped up on screen. His hair is dirty blonde and slicked back neatly and his big eyes were a shining silver-blue. He laughed and settled in a seat by the camera that had been situated on a desk. "Oh my god... that's really close," he mumbled to himself and seemed to scoot the camera backwards so his face was in-frame.

He waved kindly, seeming like the happiest person in the world with his bright smile. Obviously, this man is hiding some dark stuff beneath such a bright and shiny facade.

"Some of you weirdos may be wondering why I'm so happy..." he started, mocking a careless shrug. "I just got news that my best friend just survived a dangerous disease. It's actually new??" He sat there and thought for a bit. "I have no idea. I think it was a new cancer or something. But like..." he took a deep breath, "I dunno what I'd do if he passed."

He seemed to be in deep thought, his light blue eyes seeming to be coated suddenly in wetness.

"I really don't know what I would've done without him."

He let out a pained laugh, "But now it's fine! He's okay and up and running. He'll be coming home tomorrow after being in the hospital for... a while." He shrugged again and kept his eyes away from the camera. "I-I think they kept them there since it was so new. Maybe they just wanted to see what it does. It was a miracle he even survived."

He finally looked back at the camera, his genuine smile returning. "Anyway, gotta go. I need to clean up the house."

The video shut off and a new one played.

The camera was focused on the interior of the house, whereas the last one had been in what looked like a garage. The surrounding area was the foyer. It was big actually. The living room to the right with a tan sofa, matching recliner, dark hardwood floor, a white rug with black, blue, and gray patterns with white tassels at the end, a white wall-shelf to the right wall with various books and movies and props in it, a glass coffee table placed in the middle of everything, and even a flatscreen on another coffee table a few feet from it. On another wall is a glass door leading to the backyard, gray curtains covering most of it. Between the fabric it was obvious it was morning.

To the left of that is a set of stairs, most likely leading to bedrooms on the second floor. Passed that is a kitchen, the dark hardwood floor turning into white tiles. The bar separating the living room from the kitchen was a simple counter with a metal top. It had black barstools underneath it. The counter lined the wall, devices lined up on them beside the sink and fridge.

A man stood by the sink, seeming to be washing dishes and putting them away. The man is wearing black, high-waisted, skinny jeans and a white sweater tucked in them. His pale skin indicated that he almost rarely went outside.

What was odd about him were his legs. They were a jumble of metal framework and muscle tissue. Some wires even poked out of the muscle and wrapped around the scrappy framework. The feet had five toes, but one was built in the back in both feet that raised the heel high like an animal's. It shifted whenever he moved a leg, seeming to be built mainly for support. Although it didn't look too stable.

It was definitely something meant for temporary use.

"And here we have..." the man behind the camera, probably the one from the previous video, started with a low voice. He began to creep forward and towards the kitchen, keeping the camera on the man in the room. "A wild William in his natural habitat - the kitchen."

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