A tear for the girl.

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Chapter 1

It had been three months since Deeks' last undercover operation for LAPD, he had been injured and had taken another three weeks off after that to recuperate. Coming back to NCIS had been a wrench for him.

Nothing had been said his first day back, Kensi had looked up given him a smile and a nod in the direction of the box on his desk with a doughnut inside and a coffee next to it, which he had appreciated. Sam had just looked at him and continued with his paperwork and Callen had actually come over and welcomed him back.

Easing himself into his seat he took out the first of the stack of paperwork he had to go through and opened the first file as Hetty turned up.

"Mr. Deeks, it is nice to see you back, is everything alright?" she asked.

Deeks nodded, "its fine thanks Hetty."

"Good, good…Oh Mr. Deeks, your change of address forms for HR, I'll need those completed and on my desk by the end of the day." She told him.

Deeks nodded and opened another file.

"You've moved?" Callen asked.

"Gotta keep up security, right Sam, take different routes in, move occasionally…can't leave myself open now can I." There was no malice in Deeks' words but there was an underlying sadness.

"That's a good idea Deeks; you can't leave yourself open, even if you are only responsible enough to look after yourself."

Deeks looked at Sam and opened his mouth to say something and thought better of it. "I'll take these forms to Hetty,"

Callen looked at Sam, He was not sure why his partner hadn't taken to Deeks as easily as he had Dom, but he knew soon he would have to ask if it didn't work itself out first.

As Deeks walked into Hetty's office she offered him a cup of tea, "How did you get on…Is she settled in?"

"Yeah, I've enrolled her in UCLA, she's picked her electives," He chuckled, "She's really smart…God knows where she got her brains from."

Hetty picked up her cup, "And she's accepted your relationship?"

"Yeah, she's still trying to look after herself and I don't want to discourage it too much, but she knows she can trust me and rely on me to be there for her." He sighed he wished his team had that much trust in him.

"Have you told the team?" Hetty asked.

"No, and I won't be," Deeks said resolute.

Hetty nodded understanding even though she didn't like it.

"And her case with LAPD?" Hetty asked.

"She still has to testify against Mendez next month, but after that we should be done, It will be a wrench for her, but if I had known, I would never have let her grow up there. It's a wonder she's as well adjusted as she is."

"That's good to know Mr. Deeks. I would like to contribute to her college fund if I can?" Hetty asked.

Deeks smiled, "We're fine, I have it all in hand."

"Very well if you need anything please let me know, you don't have to do this alone." She said as Deeks stood up.

"That's exactly what I have to do." He said and walked upstairs as the rest of the team gathered in OPS.

Deeks joined the rest of the team as they filed into the ops room.

"We've had a report of a known arms dealer coming into LA." Nell told them.

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