the joker

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The most famous clown of south Korea... The joker nobody knows his real name but he will tell a person about his name. The joker kills, and even beats up every person that double cross him or rubs his money. But never in you life get the joker made or on his bad side because you'll never see the light of day ever again. The joker will never think twice of killing you or make you suffer but in the worst part of your life. He knows everything about you... He knows your live, he knows your your family and he will kill everyone that you love and then he will kill you. Batman tried everything to get him behind bars and he did... It might of took him for every to get him but it finally work. Batman has work so hard to get him and every blood, sweet, and tears he has finally caught him and he will pay for everything that he did to this poor people that live here and he will be lock up for a long time.

Batman put the joker in the asylum of south Korea. With ever punishment that they give him and with every electric shokes they give him.... He never speaks about his stuff or tells them information that they need. He just laughs like crazy and just tells them of they will die from and every doctor that he had everyone of them ran out and told their boss that they never want him. Nobody has gotten answers from him but there will be a person that will get answer and that will get more then answers. The joker has his ways to brain wash people... That's why he has so many people working for him. Nobody can brust him from his thought and nobody dares to touch him or get close him but there is someone that will and it might cost him alot

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