A growing friendship

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After Katan had help Lilith to stand, she looked at him shyly as she still was unsure, as she felt the warmth from his hand he spoke softly again, "we are only enemies if you make it so or do something wrong..Iam Katan" he let go of her hand, still feeling the warmth of his hand upon her skin she smiled to him, "I-Iam Lilith" she said shyly and ran off into the night, Katan smiled and out stretched his wings and took to the sky, as she ran though the cemetery and pass some buildings her heart was racing she held her chest wondering what this feeling she was.

A couple of days passed since she when she first meet Katan and he healed her and saved her life, in the hopes of seeing him again as she didn't know but something about him drew her to be close to him again and have him hold her hand once more, she was sat down hiding out of view in the shadows of tall building waiting in the hope of seeing Katan again, she knew it was forbidden so associate with any from Eden. Then without warning Katan appeared by her side he folded his wings against his back "why hello Lilith..why are you out here alone" he asked softly she turned to him and couldn't help but smile "W-Well it was in the hopes of seeing you again" she stuttered a little awkwardly as she couldn't help but look upon his beautiful face, "well now it seems we were feeling the same then as I was hoping to see you to, as you did run off before" he said gently, hearing his words Lilith blushed a bit, as she hid her face from him, he chuckled softly and moved her hands from her face holding them in his, "I-Iam sorry I just up and left you...your so kind and gentle unlike the other angels I've seen of Eden" Lilith said shyly, katan still holding her hands began to lead her out of the shadows "come...let's leave this roof and go somewhere more beautiful to talk shall we" he said softly as his eyes glistened in the light of the sun, Lilith smiled and nodded, he took her hand gently and lead her off the roof, she was hesitant to start with but some how found she could trust him, as he lead them down the stairs and out of the building, she glanced at him a little admiring his handsome features, as they left the building behind them, Katan took Lilith to the near by park were the cherry blossom trees were in bloom, as his wings were hidden by his angelic mist the humans who walked passed them thought nothing more or less took notice of the two, thinking they were but a normal couple taking a stroll in the park, as the made there way to a park bench under the tree's, after they sat down, Katan looked to Lilith and smiled warmly and started talking gently "Well I could sense no evil in you, Lilith you may indeed be a demon but you don't display the actions of many..plus you needed help you would of surely died of those wounds" he said as he sighed a little as she turned to him "well Iam truly grateful you saved me..and I found you again today as...well I was hoping to you see" Lilith stuttered awkwardly as he chuckled a bit and reached up to the Sakura tree and plucked a cherry blossom stem from it and gently handed it to Lilith with a warming smile, "well Iam glad you feel that way Lilith, as I too was hoping to catch glimpse of you again" he said softly smiling causing her cheeks to tint a bit as she shyed away hiding her face as he noticed he slowly turned and reach out and touched her pale cheek.

A couple of days past of there outing to the park, Lilith still kept the cherry blossom stem that Katan had giving her at the park, she was sitting on the same bench one late evening in the hopes she may see him yet again as deep in her chest she had feelings growing for him,
As she sat and watched human couples walking though the park holding hands she looked down at her own hand and wondered could she and Katan ever do that, as she looked up he was standing there in front of her in all his radiant glory with a warm smile on his face, "Lilith..have you been here for long" he asked as he held out his hand to her, she blinked a couple of times and took his hand feeling the warmth flow though her body as she smiled, "o..only a while..I was hoping to see you again" she said softly, "hmph..well now have you eaten yet Lilith, as id love to take you to a restaurant here in the city how does that sound?" Katan asked gently as he held her hand softly, Lilith blushed a bit smiling from ear to ear as she tried to form words in her mouth before speaking, "y..yes please I'd love to dine with you Katan!" She said blushing a bit as he chuckled, linking his arm with hers and lead her to a small restaurant called "Harajuku Gyoza-ro" which was well known for its dumplings, after opening the door for her, Lilith walked in gingerly feeling a little nervous and anxious, seeing her looking uncomfortable he squeezed her hand a little, "nothing will happen to you, I promise Lilith..now let's enjoy this evening together" Katan said and softly kissed her forehead, one of the waiters of the restaurant approached them asking if they wished to be seated, Katan nodded and said yes as they couple were lead to a table in the corner of the restaurant. Katan held a menu and showed it to Lilith he was unsure if she'd even eaten in the human realm, katan ordered Lilith some chicken and sweet pork dumplings and soya sauce dipping sauce, and himself the same to be fair, as the waiter came to there table to serve them. As they waited they chatted a little about demon and angel related things, until there food was brought out to them. Katan smiled seeing Lilith's reaction seeing the plate of dumplings brought out for them as the waiter put the plate on the table between them, she smiled excitedly, as she watched him picking up his chopsticks she copied his movements, he gently picked up one of the soft steamed and  fried dumplings and offered it to her, Lilith's cheeks tinted a bit as she blushed and giggled, "T-Thank you Katan" she said softly as he gently placed the dumpling near her mouth as she took a gentle bite as her eyes seemed to sparkle somehow, "how does it taste Lilith" he asked softly smiling, as she slowly chewed when she finished her mouthful she smiled, "it was beautiful...thank you" she murmured, he picked up another for himself and took a bite, as did Lilith as they sat looking across to each other occasionally feeding one and other dumplings.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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