1 ➸ In The End It Gets Better.

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Out in the streets with no food, clean clothes, or anything to survive. People pass by and they don't even pay me no mind, they look at me with disgust, some even spit on me.

But why?

I didn't do anything wrong, I was kicked out by my mother- should I even call her that? She didn't act like one. Hell, she never did.

She and I have had arguments over and over again but she always starts it! One day she got tired of me and kicked me out without even handing me my belongings.

Friends You say?

I never had one of those in my life, I've always been by myself, picking myself up when I get upset, patting myself on the back when I did something good, celebrating myself when I passed a test, and so on.

I got up from the side walk and went in to the dark alley to watch the random people pass by since it was dark.

I felt someone behind me and I looked back, my eyes widened when I saw a random man with a creepy smile "Hello pretty lady, wanna have some fun?" he asked coming closer.

I stood up quickly and ran away before he came any closer. "Hey!" he screamed coming after me, I ran as fast as I could going street after street until I lost him.

I sigh "Thank God."

I've been dealing with this for five months. I don't know how lucky I am that I didn't get caught from one of these rapist yet.

My mouth was dry, my lips were chapped, and my clothes were ripped to shreds not to mention that I'm bare footed.

My stomach feels so empty, I haven't eaten anything for a week. I eat from the trash. Yes. Trash.

But lately I haven't been eating I never had the chance to. I feel so weak and sick.

I coughed feeling my dry throat, my eyes started closing by itself but I tried to open them but it was no use they were just closing again.

I was out here in the sidewalk, in the open. Maybe someone could just kill me and end my misery already.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


I opened my eyes to a guy in a suit standing a few feet away from me, it looks like he was on the phone and I happen to eavesdrop some things.

"Yeah....I found a girl out here in the streets.."

"I'm gonna take her with me........ I don't want her to stay out here, who knows who might take her and do terrible things to her."

He's..going to help me?

"Yah! I don't care if it's none of my business or problem, I'm willing to help."

He sighed "You know.. I have no idea why I called you first Baekhyun..."

He turned his head to my direction and widened his eyes when he realized I was awake. He made his way to me.

"I'll talk to you later, bye" and he put his phone in his pocket.

I was still on the ground sitting sluggishly and leaning back on the brick wall behind me, he crouched down to my level and had a worried face.

Wow. How can some look hot and cute at the same time?

"Gwenchana?" ( Are you okay? )

I shook my head slowly and found myself sobbing, his face was even more worried than before and hugged me he "shhed" me and caressed my head "Shhh.. it's alright your safe now."

Funny thing is what he said made me sob even harder.

those my friend were tears of joy.

We stopped hugging and he looked at me and smiled "Don't worry, I'll help you now." I nodded and smiled wiping off my tears.

"can you walk?" he asked. I felt extremely tired but I didn't want to burden him even more, I tried to get up and started walking a few inches not until I trampled down to the ground again.

He grabbed my arm lifting me up he shook his head "whoa whoa, it's okay if you can't, I'll just carry you." before I could react he already carried me bridal style, I gasped at the sudden move.

He smelled soo good that Cologne he's wearing is driving me crazy.

He turned his head to me "Wow your as light as a feather" I just looked down.

He puts me in this long limo along with him and I felt relief, "Do you want something? Anything?" he asked. I cleared my throat "Uhm.. Just water."

He looked at me for a minute, I raised an eyebrow and he looked away "I'm sorry. It's just that your voice is really cute."

He said without making eye contact. My mouth was slightly open at the confession he just made but shrugged it off.

I actually got that alot, I was told that I have a really soft feminine voice.

He handed me the water and I thanked him, I felt really really dizzy all of a sudden.

Before I could drink anything I suddenly see black.

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