↳ babies | zk [r]

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Request for: Kindmoon
my newborn baby, isabella rested in my arms as she babbled. Zion sat across from me, watching us in awe. I had just given birth yesterday and the other boys were already on their way over to the hospital.
A few moments later the nurse came into the room, "Mrs. Kuwonu?"
i looked up at her as she finished her sentence.
"There are 4 eager gentlemen waiting to come in, they all seem to be arguing about who is the favorite uncle."
Zion and I chuckled, laughing at their actions and nodded for them to come in
"Oh my god she's adorable," austin yelled.
"shut up austin," Edwin whines rubbing his temple.
"Okay, besides that, we all know that I'm going to be the best uncle though," nick chimes in.

Then all the boys start bickering over who is the better uncle.
"Can y'all be quiet, Ariana just gave birth and you are loud," zion complains.
the boys nodded and not much later elom and kékéli walk in. i absolutely love kékéli but it's elom I'm worried about.
here we go.
kékéli walks over and hugs me, her 3 year old son, Isiah balanced on her other hip. Kevin walked in soon after.
"how are you doing boo," she asks.
"good, tired, but good."
what's up niece, yo fav Uncle in the HOUSE," he yells, interrupting my thoughts, and walking past the boys to me, the boys all groan.
"who said you were going to be the favorite uncle, huh?" edwin asks.
"because I'm the only biological one!"
"biological my as- "
"whoa whoa, language," Zion says, covering Isabella's ears.
I chuckle watching the boys start to bicker.
eventually, Isabella starts to get hungry so Zion escorts the boys out. of course, they all complain but comply.
Zion waited over in the room corner watching stuff on his phone as I feed her.
once I finished the boys all piled in, one by one.
"ok boys, since we've already chosen the first name, what should the middle name be?" I ask, rocking Isabella.
"what about grace?" Austin chimes in.
"or Taylor?"
"I'm thinking brandonella," brandon replies, earning him a smack from Charlotte; of course we all laugh.

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