Chapter 1

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Home Sweet Home- The Savage Return

"Aw yeaaahhh! Ya'll already know exactly what it is. A mutherfuckin' gangsta party brought to you by Los Angeles very own Bay Side Booyyysss!"

The DJ shouted out to my crew. "And to the head mutherfuckin' honcho himself...Titus!"

The crowd turned and looked toward my direction, and started going wild. They were whistling, clapping and cheering, showing a great deal of appreciation to a nigga. Raising my red cup into the air, I responded in gratitude.

"I appreciate you all just as much as you appreciate me. Drink, smoke, and enjoy yourselves. Bay Side!"

"For life!" they barked out in unison, finishing the Bay Side Boys motto that I created.

"It's good to see they freed a real one. Happy to have you home big dog." The DJ lifted his cup in my direction.

"Happy to be home my dude." I replied lifting my cup back at him as he started the music back up.

[Ain'tnothin' but a gangsta party

Ain'tnothin' but a gangsta party

Nothin' but a gangsta party

It ain't nothin' but a mutherfuckin' gangsta party

Ain'tnothin' but a gangsta party]

Nothin' but a gangsta party

It ain'tnothin' but a mutherfuckin, gangsta party]

Tupac's timeless classic serenaded the block party that stretched nearly three blocks long. This shit was live and jumping. Everyone who was affiliated with the Bay Side Boys of L.A. in any matter of ways was in attendance tonight. It doesn't matter if you were a young boy getting packs off, the accountant I hired to keep our dirty money looking clean, or just some random chick that got invited by one of the homies simply because her ass was fat. If you were here, you were enjoying your damn self. My right-hand man Lance and I leaned against my black 67 Impala and chopped it up.

"Lance you know how to throw a party my brother."

I took a shot from my glass as I looked down at my nigga. "And I appreciate you taking care of my baby while I was gone, she looking sexy as hell."

I took a quick glance to admire the up keep maintained on my ride as I thanked him. Most cats would have probably just threw it in a garage until their partner got out. Naw not my nigga lance he had my back for as long as I could remember. We were tighter than brothers as far as most people were concerned. But the short nigga just didn't look like me.

Lance stood about 5'8" or so, nearly a half a foot shorter than myself and he was high yellow as hell. But fuck what they say about light skinned being soft, my dude was lion hearted out here in these streets. Nigga's knew he wasn't one to fuck with unless suicide was some crazy fascination of theirs.

"Man, this ain't nothing, but I see the law is trying to disrupt this little get together and I can't have 'em fucking with you, so let's take this shit inside real quick.

"Shit say no more." Heading inside without hesitation, I caught glimpse of Slug off in the distance.

Slug was a hating ass nigga I had beef with right before I went to jail two years ago, and I wasn't sure what the hell he was doing there, but was definitely gonna keep eyes on his ass. Looking back again, I didn't see him anymore. I shrugged my shoulders, maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. That couldn't have been Slug that I saw. He never had the nuts to run up on me when I was alone, so I know he ain't got balls enough to try me in front of my set. So I brush that shit off and charged it to my jail house paranoia.

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