Chapter Eighteen: Morningkit and Graykit

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Something was wrong. I could feel it through my whole body as I spoke with Reedstar in his den.

"Reedstar," I interrupted him, "something's wrong. I'll be back." I quickly turned around and exited the den, racing through camp. I race through the entrance and then smelled the air. Mothflower! I could tell she was by a river by her muffled thoughts and as I began running I could feel Whitefoot's presence behind me.

Not stopped to dodge a rock or speak to Whitefoot, I could hear her thoughts: Dawnpool's alive!? How can this be?! If my sister was really alive then it'd be a miracle that I wouldn't question. And I could hear another cat's thoughts too: I'm glad I got to Mothflower in time...

The river was in sight and so were two cats: one white and the other ginger-and-black.

"Dawnpool!?" I gasped, stopping to stare at my sister who was smiling at me. "You're alive?"

"Russettail," she purred, "it's so good to see you." She frowned when she saw Whitefoot pad up next to me. "You weren't supposed to be here!"

Whitefoot growled, her teeth showing. "Don't you dare tell her," she growled, her claws digging into the ground. "She isn't ready and it's not time!"

My sister's eyes softened. "I'm sorry, Whitefoot... She must know the truth."

Mothflower's ear pricked and her eyes narrowed in confusion. "Know what!?" she growled in frustration.

Dawnpool glanced at her former apprentice. "Redstorm, he's still alive..." she mewed and Whitefoot let out a squeak.

My former apprentice is still alive? I looked at Dawnpool. "He can't be! I watched him die, I was there!" Suddenly, I was in Dawnpool's head, watching as she padded towards a dark ginger tom and when he turned around it was Redstorm.

"I met him roaming around WindClan camp two days earlier..." Her eyes held sorrow for Mothflower who was crying and smiling at the same time. "He lives in the barn where Heatherstar died."

Whitefoot hissed. "Dawnpool, you know what this means, right?" The she-cat was grunting and struggling to stand. "The warning has been fulfilled. You can come back."

"How're you still living, Dawnpool? And how is Redstorm still alive?" Mothflower asked suddenly, her eyes all watered up.

The former medicine cat replied calmly, "Redstorm and I can't die. We can regenerate. We can only die from Deathberries and other poisonous herbs."

"Dawnpool and I have been discussing coming back to WindClan," mewed a familiar voice and as I turned around I felt my heart light up with happiness.

"Redstorm!" Mothflower squealed and tackled him, pinning him to the ground. "Please come back to WindClan."

Whitefoot looked at the tom she never met before. He was gone before she was born. "I'm Whitefoot," she mewed, her head tilting. "Russettail's mate's sister."

I cleared my throat. "We'd better get back to camp..." I looked at Dawnpool curiously. "Are you coming with us?"

My sister nodded. "I may not get my medicine cat place back but I would miss WindClan..."

When Redstorm had got Mothflower off he looked at me. "I'm coming too. I've spent way too long away from you guys."

Quickly, I led the cats back to WindClan camp, excited to get away from RiverClan border and get back to camp where I felt safe.

Before we entered camp I turned back to them. "They're going to be asking questions about how you lived through that... Just be prepared," I warned and then entered, feeling everyone stop and stare with wide eyes.

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