Chapter One: Whispers In The Night

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Chapter One:

Whispers In the Night

Vicktor sat alone in a coffee shop one night, drinking a latte like usual. He held the daily prophet in one hand drinking his coffee with the other. He still felt strange living in America, even after all the years that had passed. He folded up his paper tucking it under his arm. With a final sip he finished his latte throwing the empty cup in the trash as he walked out.

He pulled his coat closer, it was colder than usual. Vicktor pulled out his pocket watch looking at the time.

"damn, it's almost nine..." he muttered to himself placing the watch back in his coat.

He rubbed his stubble covered chin yawning. He looked around, there was no one in sight. There was a light pop and he was gone. He appeared in front of Adriana and Severus' house, he was late again.

He pushed on the door lightly walking in.

"where have you been?" asked Adriana from the kitchen.

He smiled lightly.

"I lost track of time..." he replied.

"ah well supper is ready." she said pulling a plate from the oven.

"smells great..." he complemented, trying to get on his sister's good side again.

"Vicktor!" called out Callum running down the hall.

"hey Callum..." said Vicktor with a laugh.

"what took you took you so long?" asked Callum.

Vicktor smiled, ruffling Callum's black hair. He looked so much like Severus.

"I lost track of time, where is your father?" asked Vicktor looking down the hall.

"he's in his study... He's been making me practice potions again." said Callum pointing down the hall.

"I think I might go bug him for a moment." said Vicktor with a grin.

Adriana pointed the serving spoon at Vicktor giving him a warning look.

"I won't do anything I promise!" said Vicktor raising his hands.

She gave him a skeptical look, before directing her attention to her cooking once more.

Vicktor popped his head through the door knocking lightly. Severus looked up from his book But only for a moment.

"Hello Severus..." he said.

Severus closed his book placing it aside. He folded his hands resting them on his lap.

"hello Vicktor..." he replied.

Not another word was uttered from either man. There was still some trouble between the two that never went away.

Callum walked in lingering at the door.

"dad, supper is ready." said Callum.

Severus' expression changed almost instantly. He smiled slightly getting up from his chair.

"Tell your mother we'll be there in a minute." said Severus.

"ok..." said Callum walking back down the hall.

Severus looked back at Vicktor, his face now cold, his expression unreadable.

"what have you found out?" he asked.

Vicktor let out a nervous sigh.

"not much, barely anything." he replied rubbing his neck. "we don't have much to go on."

"we'll talk more about it later..." said Severus motioning toward the door.

They walked down the hall into the dinning room, sitting down at the table.Adriana looked at the two men carefully. She let out a relieved sigh sitting down.


Callum was fast asleep in his room. There was silence all through the house. The room grew cold, like ice.


Called out a voice. It was a low drawn out whisper, it sounded so strong but at the same time it sounded distorted.

There in the corner of his room covered in silhouette was the man in black, his piercing blue eyes glowed in the darkness.

"Callum..." called the man once more.

Callum looked into the darkness at the man who had visited him every night ever since he could remember.

"Soon..." said the man, and then he was gone.


Once more Vicktor found himself sitting in a coffee shop late at night. He placed his muggle money on the counter taking his coffee. After all his years of research, nothing ever surfaced.

He walked outside, still colder than usual. He let out a sigh, he could see his breath in front of his face. Vicktor felt a shiver go down his spine... He looked over his shoulder. Someone was following him.

He continued to walk taking one more look around. His heart was pounding in his chest. His body screamed at him to run to go far away, anywhere but where he was.

"Hello Vicktor..." whispered a voice.

Vicktor's blood ran cold. He stood firmly in place. Frozen by fear.

"What do you want?" he choaked out.

"I want you to suffer. I want to see you lose your will to live. I want you begging for death"

"I will destroy everything you ever cared about, everything you ever loved and make you watch it burn. I will make you rue the day you were born."

The man's voice was filled with malice, his words seethed with pure infathomable hatetred.

"savor the time you have..."

And with that he was gone.


Vicktor fell to the ground, breathing rapidly. He felt like his heart was going to explode in his chest. He had to get to Adriana, he had to tell her what happened. He struggled to get back on his feet, he leaned on the street light trying to regain his composure.


"Callum... So innocent, so vulnerable. "

Whispered the man in black.

"Soon your mother and father will know what true sorrow is like..."

He did not make another sound, nothing could be heard through the house. The door opened slowly into the master bedroom, the man in black like a shadow slipped into the bedroom undetected, like he did for many nights before.

There laid Adriana and Severus fast asleep, unaware of the danger that was no more than five feet away from them.

The man in black walked closer, his hands were a mere inch away from touching her. His lips curled into a wide grin at the sight of the scar on Adriana's lower back. His icy blue eyes glowed in delight.

"Soon, you'll know the pain I feel"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2012 ⏰

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