Do you remember that night on the log?
Waiting for the fireworks.
What was it you promised me?
"Alika, I'll be there for you forever."
Look where we are now.
You allowed me to build on you.
You were the steel to my tower.
I never doubted that I loved you.
You never saw what I saw.
You always gave me empty promises.
Never, ever, have I been so blind.
So naïve, so fragile.
With you gone, I was without support.
You took my foundation away and in everything about me from our two years instantly fell.
Fell into the darkness inside me.
Now, I am trying to rebuild.
Pulling out remnants from the darkness.
But I am missing a foundation.
I fear I may not find one.
For you left me unable to trust others.
Unable to find ones who can and want to help me.
Look what you left me.
A broken boy, without any foundation, with fragments of a personality.
All ready to collapse with a single shudder.