Mira woke up in a rush, completely disoriented. Where was she? Lui's apartment? But more to the point, it was light out. It was January. If it was already full daylight, it meant she was running late. Why hadn't her alarm gone off?
She rolled over and shook Lui's bare shoulder. "Lui! Wake up. We're going to be late for class."
He opened his eyes slowly. "Nah, blizzard, 'member? No class. Stay in bed."
"Oh. Right. Maybe I'll go grab a book and get ahead on some reading . . ."
"Later. Snow day. C'mere." Lui wrapped an arm around her, still half asleep. "Oh, hey. You don't have a shirt on."
Mira giggled. "Neither do you."
"Stay in bed," Lui repeated, burying his face in the crook of her neck as he fell back asleep. "Stay with me."
"Well, when you put it that way . . ."
Lui's text had appeared barely 30 seconds after Beigoma had announced that Tuesday classes were canceled.
Movie marathon?
My place?
Your TV IS bigger...
So's my bed.
Mira felt herself blush. Which was ridiculous. Lui's giant TV was at the foot of his bed. They'd watched movies there a thousand times. Just because - And her phone beeped again.
Plus, no housemates.
Okay, so maybe he did mean . . .
So I take it this isn't a movie marathon to which you're inviting all your friends.
The reply came so quickly that Mira couldn't help but giggle.
Across the lunch table, Katana raised an eyebrow. "From the besotted look on your face, I assume the boy-toy is making some sort of super sexy blizzard plans."
"Yeah. To get away from you," Mira teased back.
"So I take it you're holing up at his place for the duration, to have all the sex."
"Katana- "
Katana threw a hand up as if to shield himself. "No, no, no. I don't want to know." He shook his head. "Blizzards. God's gift to horny high-school boys with new girlfriends everywhere."
They had spent most of the day watching movies - Mira planned to make a point of that to Katana later---and, well, if they didn't completely pay attention to every moment of every film, what Katana didn't know wouldn't give him ammunition. It was still such a novelty, to not worry about where their hands were or whether their legs were touching, to be able to kiss, just because.
Lui apparently had a list of movies Mira had to see now that they were together---"Like you didn't have a list before?" Mira had asked, laughing---but in honor of the blizzard, they were sticking with winter themes today. At one point in The Lion in Winter, Lui had started to pull away, to protest that what was happening in the movie was really important and Mira should see it.
"Is this going to be my only chance to ever see this movie?" Mira asked.
"So are you really going to make me stop making out with my boyfriend to pay attention to exactly how terrible this on-screen marriage is? And if so, do you realize you'd be inviting a lecture on this movie's historical accuracy or lack thereof?"

You're Still The One
RomanceThe Champion and his Queen. The Ice Lion and The Dragon king. Together. In winter. God help us all. ~ -Mira x Lui -Beyblade Burst Fanfic -Dedicated to Druid_Fox516 -Just One-shots of them