1; Footsteps

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Pic has nothing to do with this, I just thought it was funny-

They were lost and it wasn't his fault. It had been at least an hour since Bakugou and Todoroki ran into the woods to get away from that damned ghost prank, this whole camping adventure seemed more like a shitty waste of time.

"Hey Half and half, get out of my way dammit!" He roughed his way past Todoroki and walked ahead of him, the annoyance he felt for the guy finally getting the better of him. Todoroki just looked at him with his signiture neutral expression.

"Sorry, I just thought it best to check for more pranks before you ended up running off again." He looked from side to side casually with a mild pout, "I just wanna sleep already." Bakugou stopped in his tracks and turned to face him, his eyebrows already pinching the bridge of his nose as he yelled.

"SHUT UP! THE FUCK YOU MEAN?! I DIDN'T RUN OFF YOU FUCKING BASTARD!! DO YOU WANNA DIE!?! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" If Todoroki hadn't known better he'd have pointed out that yes, in fact, Bakugou was the only one to start running right after they'd frozen up to that ghost prank. Todoroki was simply aware that leaving a 'partner' behind wouldn't be seen as very heroic and might as well follow him, besides, it seemed better than waiting for more of class B's student to come scare then some more.

There was a rustling in the bushes, another class B student maybe. Both boys stood at the ready for whoever the little shit was, Todoroki noting Bakugous slight hesitation. 'Probably scared it's another ghost costume.' He thought, wondering how this guy turned out so superstitious. Maybe his parents scared him as a kid with those urban legends so he'd behave or go to sleep, Todoroki could understand some kids never really grow up from those childish beliefs.

What came next however wasn't a prank. It was a strange black suited... man? All they could make out were his teeth and legs as he wobbled and swayed his way towards them slowly. All that black, not skin but leather, tight and freaky in ways they were too young to get involved in. Much worse were his words, Bakugou could hardly hear them but each one that slipped from his stretched open mouth clear enough to understand sent chills down his neck.

"Mmmeat... oh juicy, soft, Red, meat~..." He didn't act like one of the kids from class B, and he sure as hell didn't look like one. Who the hell was this fucker?

Attention! Attention! A voice sounded in their heads, broadcasting through to everyone in the camp. Were looking for a student by the name of 'Kacchan', the villians are after him. Repeat, Kacchan, if you're out there please take shelter and be careful, do not trust any one you don't know and please return to the base as quickly as possible!

The transmission was gone as quick as it had appeared and as far as he knew it was an annoyance and a piece of shit message to deal with. Looking for him? The fuck would these crack headed villians want with him? He looked at the leather bound kink freak, there was no way they really believed a skin tight garbage bag like that could kidnap him could they? He didn't even have his arms free to pick him up with, and even if he did he was still a skinny ass fucking piece of unboiled motherfucking pasta compared to him.

"Bakugou, his teeth." He looked, Todoroki had a point. The fetish fettuccine fucks 's mouth was growing, all his teeth enlongating into what looked like a rough bone crafted wall. He wasn't sure what was worse, the fact that there was no telling what he'd used that forcefully opened mouth for and really no idea where his teeth had been, or the fact that no matter how much teeth they knocked out more and more seemed to replace them in no time at all.

Some time had passed now, they were getting tired, it was harder to keep up now. Todoroki would have to rest and regain a normal body temperture soon, he was just becoming too slow and out of breath. As for Bakugou, he'd always loved a good fight but at this rate even his quirk was leaving him dehydrated and on the verge of twitching cramps in both arms. Yet this guy, 'Moonfish' as he called himself, was still lundging toothy columns at them as if calcium weren't a problem at all. It almost felt like, maybe, he was just playing with them.

Bakugou and Todoroki looked at each other and grunted, they needed to leave. It was a weak move, Bakugou would rather die than act upon it, but it wasn't like dying here would prove anything to anyone. Other than showing that the people who wanted him got him and that was pathetic shit he wasn't going to let anyone believe. That's when it happened, a flash of black lundged itself at Moonfish and began tearing his defences apart in a matter of seconds like a dogs chew toy.


He'd followed Shoji over to them, Midoriya tucked carefully behind him like a broccoli backpack with bruises and broken bones. 'Typical.' thought Bakugou before being gripped by an icy cold arm and pulled away by the peppermint prince himself.

"What're you doing, I can run on my own!" He was being difficult, thought Todoroki, ignore the protests and leading him along. 'Besides, it's not like he's pulling away very much' whether that was because he was tired as fuck or genuinely trying to save face as he ran could honestly be anyones guess. There was still the matter of how they'd take him back, after all... they were lost in these woods from the very beginning...

Midoriya and Shoji were thankfully leading the way, Tokoyami watching the back and Todoroki walking beside Bakugou, not daring to grab his hand a second time now that he's had a bit more rest and wasn't likely to need it him anyways. Now thinking about it, it had gone somewhat quieter in the back. Todoroki knew Tokoyami wasn't one to speak, but he could've sworn a sound was missing, something like... Footsteps. Where were his footsteps?

He turned to see an empty place where Tokoyami should've been and in a quick motion Bakugou seemed to disappear in a flash as well. Todoroki began to say something in alarm when he felt a pair of white gloves cover his mouth and everything spun... fell... black. it happened so quickly both Midoriya and Shoji could've felt something like a mild wind had breezed by their tired injured persons but neither noticed the difference in noise or pinpoint the absence of footsteps.


'llo 'ello~ hope you all enjoyed the first part and if everything goes right I'll post another chapter soon enough, ciao!٩( )و

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