Chapter 17. Good Grief!

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If wishes were horses..... It was at this moment in time that I wished my phone was on silent mode. Talk about bad timing, this would've bagged the award. The incessant ringing from the bloody gadget wouldn't stop and I just had to answer it.

"Good grief," I sighed getting my phone from my pocket, "Would you please give me a minute?" I said to David as he pulled away.

'Yes? Felicity?'

'You've been gone forever Ella. We're all going out to eat with Oliver and a couple of his friends.'

'Oh, okay..'

'You should come love. And bring David.'

With that, she hung up having said she'd drop me a pin of the eatery they were going to.
It was awkward again. I didn't know what to do or how to act because the mood had totally been killed. So I did what my nervous rational mind would've done at such a situation.

"Hey, are you hungry?" I nervously asked him.

"Uh, yeah, I guess I could eat," he responded.

"Perfect," I smiled saying, "let's go eat with everyone."

With that, we went back to the car and I input the location that Felicity sent me a while ago and we left.
I felt bad that I had to cut this beautiful time and scenery with David short. I wanted to stay here with him but as always, my mouth was way too fast than my mind, so here we were, headed to a crowd of people, what could be more better.

I poured some drink in my cup and gulped it all down. I could feel the sour taste as it slowly trickled down my throat burning every inch it passed. The sensation was awful but the feeling that came was what I wanted, so with that, I poured some more whiskey.
I wanted to be free around David, so I downed the contents in one go scrunching my eyes from the taste.
I looked straight at the road and I could feel my restraint loosen and I felt so comfortable.

"David," I slowly said his name facing his direction and resting my hand on the armrest.

"Yes, love?" He turned and looked at me for a second before turning his eyes back on the road.

"I'm sorry I had to cut our little rendezvous short. I was having a really great time, and I'd love to go back there some time again, if you'd want to," I spoke up more confidently.

"What do you mean if I want to? I'd love too," he softly said and placed his hand on mine gently squeezing.
"....and anyway, the night's still young, we've got more time together," he added smiling.

In less than twenty minutes, we were already at the eatery a few minutes out of Southwark.
You could hear loud chatter from outside the place. We got in and went over to the group. They had added two tables to the single one so everyone could place their chair and it'd be a single group. There were fries and burgers and chicken all around the table and everyone was happily chatting away.

"Ella! You both made it," Felicity excitedly exclaimed as we approached the group.

"Unfortunately," I playfully rolled my eyes at her drawing two chairs for David and I.

A bit further from us was Lucas and William with some girls from school engaged in conversation while eating.

"What will you have? I'll go get our food," David asked me.

"Uh, just a burger and a milkshake," I said as he left for the counter.

I pulled the chairs and put mine next to Felicity. As I bent to sit down I could feel the alcohol literally kick in and it felt amazing.

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